View Full Version : er...stuck

James B
18-08-05, 07:11 PM
Right, two questions in one here really:

First off what is that website where you can re-size pictures? Cant remember off the top of my head.

Secondly, is there a search engine on the net where you can search for specific files eg MP4 or do you have to go through a program such as Kazaa etc?

Cheers all in advance


18-08-05, 07:43 PM
I think the imaging thing is 'www.my-imager.com' or something, but there's a link in the profile section so just go there and click on it. Don't know about the MP4 thing-what is an MP4?? :lol:

18-08-05, 07:57 PM
lol MP4 is dvd or something isn't it

You'll have to search for stuff on p2p networks, as I can't imagine amany sites hosting mp3s and etc for fear of copyright and the bandwidth they'd take up... Have you tried using torrents? Basically you install a small program, then visit torrent sites which have a load of links to stuff for download on p2p networks... click the link and its imported into the torrent program which downloads the file. My mate uses BitTorrent and has downloaded pretty much every xbox game with it

..for backup purposes obviously :wink:

James B
18-08-05, 09:21 PM
yeah mp4 is a video file. may well try the old torrent jobby, thanks mate. Will have a look for some PS2 games while I'm at it!