04-07-01, 02:13 PM
i have decided to bring back to life sum of the classic novaload momenst from a while back as sum of them are to funny to miss for all the new peeps here is the 1st one started of by our bessie mate ged
__________________________________________________ ___________

what do u rekon is the best pulling method in your car...

i have a few mates who think a girl will drop their knickers if they drive past them about 30 times in 5 minutes...lol

i have another mate with a 'wolf whistle' horn...lol...that gets a few laughs...

so come on lads...what method has got the ladies in your back seat ;)

04-07-01, 02:30 PM
i just pull up, wind down the window and shout "get ya rat oot!!!", well atleast i used to. :(

>:) D.E.V.I.L. >:)

04-07-01, 02:46 PM
the only bird you could pull in in a nova is some little 15 year old little car slag

:) decisions decisions :)

04-07-01, 02:55 PM
Ged. your mates are probably right. When i've been crusing in Blackpool it's mental. After about 1am they just misbehave.

Best method for getting a lady on the back seat is a taxi sign on the roof (but thats not quite what you meant is it?).

B-)As long as people are still having promiscuous sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!B-)


04-07-01, 03:03 PM
the women misbehave? if that's what u mean i know exactly what your on about!

"Get your tits out!"
[girl looks round to see who's shouting]
[girl then lifts up her top to reveal a stonking pair of twin turbo's]

"Show us your knickers!"
[girl looks round yet again to see where the shouting is coming from]
[girl sneakly lifts up her skirt to reveal a little red lacy thong]

blackpool is quality after 1am...especially at 2am! when the ladies are pissed, feeling horny and after a free taxi ride home!

[girl says to lad] "how much do i owe u darlin"

[lad grins] "a blow job will just about cover costs"...


04-07-01, 03:27 PM
And of course Ged, u do need a car, not much hanky panky can go on, on the back of a scooter, not much chance of picking up a lass on one either, unless she falls on the back, KO'd, and u drive away....


04-07-01, 03:44 PM
what about if u r on your skateboard mark :D :p

04-07-01, 03:48 PM
just speak to them and use ur charm. If you think your car is going to help then you need to gain some of your own confidence.

04-07-01, 03:52 PM
hey blonde, are we still going out pulling chicks in your motor tonight ?

Cyborgs can't breakdance....but they are wicked at bodypopping and robotics !!!

04-07-01, 04:17 PM
lmfao @ Mark D

I wont mention the other week when i was in my mates car, pulled up next to these 2 girls "after a free cab far ehome luv?" they said yeah (cos in mark D's word's they were KO'd...lmfao) anyway...me and me mate (not called dave...lol) took them into the country side, and basically banged the nadgers of them both...lmao (nadger's? i hear u cry...:p)

anyway, one of the birds (that was boning my mate) was sick when she gave him a BJ!!! yuk! so i start ripping the piss out of him saying he must have a dirty bell or summit...lol...and he starts to drive off! and we are in the middle of nowhere! so i hop up to the window (still had my pants round my ankles...lmao) and dived in the window...so we are speeding down sum lanes with my arse hanging out the window and my nob out...lmao

anyway he eventually stops and lets me put my racing worm back in it's trap...

oh shit! I just mentioned it! :O oops :p

04-07-01, 04:17 PM
yeah fella , I just got some leopard skin seat covers and a dukes of hazard horn!!! the birds are bound to swoon!

04-07-01, 04:26 PM
sound, I'll get the alcho-pops they're bound to work in our favour !!!

Cyborgs can't breakdance....but they are wicked at bodypopping and robotics !!!

04-07-01, 04:48 PM
LMAO, why not take a club, shout UG UG OOOGA BOOGA & whack em on the head, then drag em round the corner for a quick clubbin?

04-07-01, 05:21 PM
my mates got a P-reg bemer 318(arsehole) and drives along,honks the horn n waves out the window,gets them everytime,cept he chases 15yr olds most the time

a car one colour soon!:)

04-07-01, 07:17 PM
ROFLMAO at this post, if you pull a bird in your car make sure her mummy and daddy know what time she is going to be in. (9pm probably!)

04-07-01, 08:15 PM
breeny,have you got much left from your SR?-Im desperate for parts :( Im considering your tailgat and spoiler(!) plus a few other bits if you have them,maybe your interior,as I have another project in the pipeline,if the accident damage is repairable

a car one colour soon!:)

04-07-01, 08:16 PM
ive found a audi cabriolet is very good for getting ladies to give you the whistles and shouts :D that was one of the best days of my life having to drive that round on a hot day in cambridge

BEng Hons Automotive Electronics Engineering :) worship my electronics skills :D

04-07-01, 09:30 PM
would you rather a lass like you cos of your car or for the person inside?

Pube Update:
B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)
:( Very Itchy, i hate this hot weather :(
:) hmmmmmm Savlon :)
:'> hmmmm cool groin :'>

04-07-01, 09:36 PM
GED!!! are you a G boy m8? i just re-read your post cos i thought i saw something dodgy, well look at this line to see hat your definition of a bird is:

anyway, one of the birds (that was boning my mate) was sick when she gave him a BJ!!! yuk!

A bird was boning your mate?

i iant coming to blackpool, thats for sure!


Pube Update:
B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)
:( Very Itchy, i hate this hot weather :(
:) hmmmmmm Savlon :)
:'> hmmmm cool groin :'>

05-07-01, 12:32 AM
I spotted that too davo :D

05-07-01, 09:43 AM

Best way to get a pic of your car in the features section.

They'll ring you up and you'll get em on your bonnet, backseat and riding your gearstick.

Dirty Bitches!!!!

Shagging u coz you've got a half decent car.


05-07-01, 09:52 AM
Erm, ok, that not Micky, own up, who done it?

I am looking in Ian's direction, don't know why...

lmao, Micky works thru the day, and don't got a computer, methinks sum 1 is jealous of his pulling power (again looking at Ian)


05-07-01, 10:07 AM
Don't be blaming me!

05-07-01, 10:08 AM
We shall see tonight... Micky can view the logs....will find the killer, erm oops, i mean imposter.

05-07-01, 10:19 AM
Aw cheers Micky

I really do like your car.

Ged you've gotta find a lass like me to get on your back seat. Give em the maxpower quiz. They should answer like this.

Vital Statistics. Massive tits
Most you've shagged in one night. 10
Favourite car. Anything with a sunroof
Pink or brown. Both
Consider a threesome. Only three?
Would you shag an ugly bloke with a nice car. Definately

Find a lass like that and it's a carbon copy of me :)

05-07-01, 10:21 AM
I've checked logs already no way of telling.

05-07-01, 10:25 AM
What about a marrow Sarah?


05-07-01, 10:26 AM
lmao@ novaslag hahahaha

05-07-01, 10:39 AM

Some bastards using my nickname!

Look just fuck off will you. You fucking scooter/skateboard owner with no fucking life!

05-07-01, 10:41 AM
lmao, sad twat

05-07-01, 10:42 AM
I take it that that is Ged?

05-07-01, 10:42 AM
lmao @ "sum keeky chunt who's changed their details to sound like a slag" :p

i should have worded that a bit better...i'll admit that!

oh, listen to this! (talking of faggots)

me and 2 mates are in his nova GTE parked at the traffic lights, 2 gay faggot rent butt feckers walked past and wolf whistled at me...so, anyway...we are driving about and we see them sat outside a pub on this bench...so we went to tesco's, got sum milk, flour and eggs, and also we nipped home and nicked my mates little brothers masks (he has all these scream masks and power ranger masks etc...lmao)...anyway...we decide to do an assasin like mission...

we put these masks on, run over to them (blatant as fcuk in broad daylight with people sat just yards away) soak them in milk, my mate then wings eggs in their faces...lmfao :p and i get them with flour...

i couldn't run away from the scene cos i was laughing so hard...i was literally crying...they were both coming out with these squeals like women..lmao

serves them right! they should stick to their own and not start flaunting themselves to people who aren't part of their sick race!

[Ged sit's back and waits for a physco analisis from Davo saying "your scared of gays which means your gay"...lmao:p]

05-07-01, 10:48 AM
By using the 'CHATROOM' and/or 'FORUMS' you agree to the following guidelines;

1) Any abusive behaviour will not be tolerated
2) Imitation of another 'MEMBER' will not be tolerated
3) Your 'ACCOUNT' or 'MEMBERSHIP' can be terminated at any time

U signed up to the site, u have agreed to those terms, therefor u shud pack it in.

So there, pack it Ged, its not on u sayin i shud shut up, then u go around usin other peeps names.

05-07-01, 11:24 AM

It's not me!

i don't even know how to do it!

when i said "i should have worded that a bit better...i'll admit that!" i was refering to when i said "my mate was getting boned by a girl"...

FFS...I swear to u it wasn't me! X-(

05-07-01, 11:31 AM
Ged. You should be happy that someone is attracted to you. Throwing eggs and flour isn't the best way to win their affection though. :D

B-)As long as people are still having promiscuous sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!B-)


05-07-01, 11:32 AM
Well Mr Ged, i was not going to do it but here we go:

Lets Start with the Actual Post:

There are comments made in your posts that insist that you are sub conciously thinking of the homoxesual scene. My point earlier in the post about
"your mate getting boned by a bird", now its probably just a mis type, but lets look at it.

You are recalling a situation where you were "shagging" these "birds", now we all know that they were of the female gender and i was just messing earlier but, using the expression of "she was boning my mate", is maybe your way of putting your sexual expressions onto others. Experienceing your sexual feelings through them?

But going back to another spelling mistake ( i cannot really say much as i am not the greatest speller), you made the comment:

"[Ged sit's back and waits for a physco
analisis from Davo saying "your scared of gays which means your gay"...lmao]"

You featured a word that consisted of the word "anal". This word is the main focus of the sentence as it is located in the middle of the page, and is the most complexed word in the sentence (apart from the word Davo :P).

Now Lets look into the Actions that Ged Undertook:

After getting wolf whistled by a "homosexual" you proceeded to persue them in what you call "revenge" for them being gay.

Ok, what made you think they wolf whistled at you? You were at traffic lights, and surely you were not the only ones around at that time as you said that it was: "
(blatant as fcuk in broad daylight with people sat just yards away)". Now this leads me to believe that you were looking at the homosexuals in the first place to get wolf whistled at "or" you wanted the wolf whistles to be aimed at yourself and your mate.

You also stated that they were screaming like little girls, maybe thats the effect you wanted them to go for.

Now i know that some of you dont watch it, but Big Brother featured "bubble" and "brian", bubble constantly picking on brian becasue primarily he was gay. Bubble used to "play fight" with brian, its like male bonding.

Your chucking of eggs and flour was in a sense the same as play fighting, obviosily you being the dominent of the parties.

Then you proceed to post the message in the forum as a form of showing off???? why???? hmmmmm, then you proceeded by saying you are waiting for me to post saying your gay, maybe you want me to give you substancial evidence so you have a 3rd party support for being gay, i dont know.

Davos Final Thought:

Right, im not saying your gay becuase its not my position to tell you what you like. All i am saying that is in my opinion you are making too many slip ups in your texts in order to be noticed? Maybe you feel by posting this message that you will gain respect? Maybe your insecure and you curious? i dont know.

Over the last few days you have been subject to insults about you and your vehicle. These have had a profound effect on you. You have lashed out and maybe in posting this post you feel you can gain the respect that you feel your are not getting for your vehicle.

There you go Ged, hope you liked it :)


Dr Davo

Pube Update:
B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)
:( Very Itchy, i hate this hot weather :(
:) hmmmmmm Savlon :)
:'> hmmmm cool groin :'>
:o Dilemma, do i shave again? They growing back faster than whore in all boys school! :o

05-07-01, 11:37 AM
erm.... lmao?

i dunno wot to do here!

ermmmm, now is this Davo takin the piss cos everyone says he does psycho stuff?

Or is it Davo actually doin psycho stuff?

i am confused.




05-07-01, 12:25 PM
i hope u do find out mate! then you'll find out i have nothing to do with it and then u can kiss my ass! deal?

looking back a second...why is it me in the firing line, just cos it's my post? it could have been anyone pi55ing about :-/

05-07-01, 12:51 PM
oh so you want someone to kiss your ass? davo will have a field day with that! and he'll probably volunteer lol :p

05-07-01, 01:06 PM
lol, i wasnt gonna say anything but i didnt want to let Ged just be sitting back in his chair all the time. Plus had a bit of time on my hands. Meant no offense by it :)

Pube Update:
B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)
:( Very Itchy, i hate this hot weather :(
:) hmmmmmm Savlon :)
:'> hmmmm cool groin :'>
:o Dilemma, do i shave again? They growing back faster than whore in all boys school! :o

05-07-01, 01:07 PM
lol :p

05-07-01, 01:29 PM
I have just been to see micky, and he says he knows who it was, and Ged i appologise, the persons name begins with F.

Ged, i thought it was u cos we have been takin the piss out of each other for a while.

Sorry, will stop it now, am quite calm & relaxed.

05-07-01, 02:18 PM
Wheres my apology mark? :p

05-07-01, 02:24 PM
For what? :-/

05-07-01, 02:31 PM
For accusing me! "I am looking in Ian's direction, don't know why...

lmao, Micky works thru the day, and don't got a computer, methinks sum 1 is jealous of his pulling power (again looking at Ian)"

06-07-01, 12:01 PM

Pube Update:
B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)
:( Very Itchy, i hate this hot weather :(
:) hmmmmmm Savlon :)
:'> hmmmm cool groin :'>
:o Dilemma, do i shave again? They growing back faster than whore in all boys school! :o

06-07-01, 12:06 PM

Sorry Ian, the evil imposter will be exposed!

06-07-01, 12:24 PM

Pube Update:
B-) ok own up, who's nicked my pubes? B-)
:( Very Itchy, i hate this hot weather :(
:) hmmmmmm Savlon :)
:'> hmmmm cool groin :'>
:o Dilemma, do i shave again? They growing back faster than whore in all boys school! :o

06-07-01, 08:29 PM
:x ello every1, it me the real slag howeva i think it was very good max stats that that other person pretending to b me said. i think u should all use them!!
big tits is a plus, come on lads u need a hand full dont u!
10 lads in 1 night that means she can go all night long. thats good!
pink or brown, u can always choose.if ur in that mood.
the car bit isnt realy good unless u r ugly she is bonney and u have anice car and in need ov 1.

08-07-01, 01:17 PM


08-07-01, 01:49 PM


29-07-01, 08:43 PM
still lmao@ davo's psycho ANALisis!


Im tall and your small

29-07-01, 09:52 PM
my mate 'pulled' some bird when i drove through Newquay on fri she just jumped through the window,bitch got out the same way leaving a feckin scratch down the door,im not a happy bunny!