View Full Version : Gears not selecting

03-08-05, 10:01 AM
Urgent help required:
Don't suppose any of you know the solution to my problem, now i put the engine and gearbox in last week, but when i put the gearbox in i put the selector off the F10 onto my new gearbox F13, when the engine is not running i can put it in gear but as soon as the engine is running it wouldnt go into gear, then the day after that i could put it into gear and drive it, i drove it for two days (carefully as im running the engine in), then i parked it up 15 mins later i went back to it and it didnt go into gear, now if i put it into gear then go to start the engine it jumps forward as if the clutch isnt depressing enough, so what do you think, is it the selector or is my clutch slipping or is it something else, im really hoping the clutch isnt slipping but that is what is on my head. :?

03-08-05, 10:37 AM
align then linkage as per the haynes manual.
set the clutch travel as per haynes manual.

should be ok then.