View Full Version : Booking track time at Trax...

karl Rowntree
01-08-05, 09:49 PM
Hi all

Dont know how many of you want track time at trax this year but ive been onto A&S publishing web-site and booked up tonight. The site address is www.carmags.co.uk and follow the links to trax.

Me, beastie and i believe Martin Kelson are all going for the same track session. If you want to come on with us let me know by the latest tomorrow and i will put togeather an email requesting that we are in the same session. I will need your reference number quoted when you book to be able to do this.

PM me asap with your reference and hopefully they will sort it for us. I will be asking if we can possibly go for an afternoon session aswell.


02-08-05, 08:23 AM
where do i find my reference number? i'll probably do a few sessions so i might come on with you boys aswell

02-08-05, 05:48 PM
booked mine with ian all ready.

yellow nova
02-08-05, 07:23 PM
Karl im going to pay on the day

Mark Beeson
04-08-05, 09:52 PM
There wont be any left on the day. Get it booked up now!

05-08-05, 04:45 PM
Have you got yours and Mark's reference numbers yet for your track session?
If you have send me a PM or something.
Gonna book mine either over weekend or Monday, and i want to be on with you guys.



05-08-05, 08:08 PM
Right due to not realising PVG andNL have stoped bookings now,im going to have to book through that site,i will let you know if i get a code karl then i can get on track with you.

cheers for the info i though i was going to miss out on this one.


05-08-05, 11:39 PM
Thats me booked.
Just pray now for a dry track, and let the fun begin!!!

karl Rowntree
07-08-05, 10:41 PM
PM sent Martin, will get you on track with us mate.; Sending the email tomorrow.

Scott, will try my best to get you out with us but i am sending an email tomorrow requesting we are out together so get the reference to me asap mate.


27-08-05, 12:31 PM
Right then lads i got my trax track time today,im just trying to find out if we did manage to all get on track at the same time as last time i askd you Karl you didnt seam sure,well my pit lane pass is F36,briefing is at 9.20am on track at 10.40,i also have a vehicle pass with BX on,so let me know who els is the same time slot etc,cheers for everying Karl.


27-08-05, 01:36 PM
sean, russ and novalutiongsi are all on track at 9am, briefing 8am

27-08-05, 04:48 PM
Cheers for that ian,but im trying to find out if the other guys who booked there track time trying to get on the same slot together of this thread have the same code and time etc.


27-08-05, 11:01 PM
Hi Scott,
Got mine today and have text Karl and yes were both on at 10.40 with ya mate. Mark Beeson should also be in this session to as Karl sent his reference number along with mine.
Thats 4 Nova's then so should be fun.
Was hopeing for a later session so not have to leave so early.
Just hope the traffic aint as bad as last year.

27-08-05, 11:08 PM
Hi Scott,
Got mine today and have text Karl and yes were both on at 10.40 with ya mate. Mark Beeson should also be in this session to as Karl sent his reference number along with mine.
Thats 4 Nova's then so should be fun.
Was hopeing for a later session so not have to leave so early.
Just hope the traffic aint as bad as last year.

Mark Beeson
29-08-05, 10:24 AM
Hello there ive been tring to reply from the US but couldnt remember my Password!

Just got back from Florida. The hurricane just missed us !

It doesnt look like ive got anything though the post while ive been away though!