View Full Version : badboy bonnet

29-07-05, 02:41 PM
hi there is there anywere out there that nos how to make a bayboy bonnet thanks again rosco

30-07-05, 12:59 AM
oh - bad boy!

cant stand em meself - but if yer gonna go it do it properly...dont just glue a bit of plastic on the front because the wind will rip it off!

you can buy kits that you can weld to the front and then smooth in however for the best results - especially if youve no spraying/welding experience - get a body shop to do it - you'll need to respray your entire bonnet at least. You also need to consider small things like how are you going to open the bonnet (release catch will be inaccessible), how much do you want to obscure the lights - making the look BAAAADDD and will the police bust you for too much light interference, go you need to mod the upper part of your grill etc etc...

Go subtle if you do do it...

If you do it yourself, make a template out of sturdy card beforehand, then use this to cur out either 1 sheet of steel or 2 sheets that can be welded together. Remember to seam seal it from the undeside and perhaps consider bracing it underneath...you will also need to smooth the weld down and then skim with filler and then rime and spray it...


02-08-05, 01:39 AM
i have the bonnet on ma nova, for the bonnet catch, make a subtle hole in the mesh just underneath the lip, there you should be able to stick your hand through the grill an catch it to pull right, also, pull the bonnet up form the lest hand side(extreme left lol) stronger tht side.

also watch wen u shut it, or wen fitting it, it will actually shut propa, cos it might/wont do it, needs a good dunt lol:P