View Full Version : Hanging's too good for them

21-07-05, 11:08 PM
Left my car outside my girlfriends house while I went to work, returned to it tonight to find some a-hole has tried to nick my car. Noticed the lock wasn't sitting right, and the door was slightly open, opened it up and there's so much wires and random bits hanging out of the steering column, while the plastic surround is lying on the floor. Obviously an amateur, with the ignition being in such a state. Strangely enough they never touched my ice.
Hanging is too good for them, i wish a plauge on them for even thinking about it.

21-07-05, 11:10 PM
if they cant nick a nova then there really is no hope for them....

best of luck fixing the problems mate!


21-07-05, 11:29 PM
read that title and assumed the post was about the 2nd lot of bombs in london. i suppose some things are more important

21-07-05, 11:50 PM
^ copycats supposedly, trying to cash in on some "15 minutes of fame" no doubt :roll:

bit of a pain about the car tho. I remember when mine got broken into in Bath, they went thru glovebox, door pods etc, even tried to lift the tailgate open to get the 6x9s out... and yet they missed the snooper sat on the dashboard :roll: muppets

22-07-05, 01:04 AM
Some **** broke into my old sr. The lil fuker made a right mess off my door bent all the metal and only stole the standard vauxhall radio. Desperate or what? :lol:

22-07-05, 08:19 AM
A blokes wheels should be left alone , but sadly there are some right scum on the streets....
A good few years back me old fellar had a minter of a cortina mk 2 - he,d worked so hard to fix the car up , and even tho he,s me dad - that car turned heads , a beauty in white , and a powerful 2ltr. The trim insides were refurbished and glossy and to keep it real to its age an 8 track was fitted for nostalgia......
Some fecker used it to ram raid a small shop for fags n booze .......totally killed the car.....

I was a kid at the time , but now as an owner myself ( whos worked for hours on end on his wheels) I realise it must have broke the old boys heart.......


22-07-05, 08:51 AM
read that title and assumed the post was about the 2nd lot of bombs in london. i suppose some things are more important

Must admit, I thought the same.

However, I can understand his frustration. I think anyone that's had their car broken into feels the same way about these scum. Personaly I think hanging is a bit too much and an easy punishment for them, they should have their hands chopped off.


22-07-05, 11:09 AM
thats unlucky mate.

some one broke in to mine once, smashed that little front quater window and unlocked the door. the tryed robbing me stereo by pushing a screw driver down the side of it, but i was lucky.
the night before i took the glove box out and screwed the stereo to the dash, as it kept coming out cus there were so many wires in a litlle space behind the stereo (mk1 dash :roll: ). and my alarm was going off so that probably put them off aswell.

bet they were well surprised when they couldnt get a stereo out :lol:

22-07-05, 11:26 AM
Some chavs tried to steal my mk1 Yellow SR, Came out in the morning to find the door bent back and a big size 9 foot print on my steering wheel.

Car didnt go tho, lost interest in the nov after that. Bent the door back and just abused it for a while before selling it, then buying it back :roll:

Nobbers the lot of them, Oh some lad tried to steal my bike as well while on dinner from college, i rugby tackled him to the ground in front of a moving bus... Nobhead didnt know what hit him. and gave me abuse for gettin my bike back :lol:

22-07-05, 03:35 PM
update -

last night, someone else/same person broke into my nova, and tried to jump start it. Failing to do so, they dumped my car at the bottom of my street, broke the aerial off, left the ice, put a boot print on the bonnet, and stole 76p that was in my dashboard. After that, they tried breaking into my girlfriends dads car, and failed.

Real amateurs, tempted to do a stakeout and see if they come back hoping its 3rd time lucky

shy witness
22-07-05, 06:45 PM
an absolute nitemare.................but at least its still there

id a real nice 4 door saloon nova[dont laugh]years ago...............bought as a shitter but then spent alot of time and cash modifying it........lowererd /quad lights/gsi bumper/tsw alpines/clear lights etc etc and a full in/out respray in peugeot miami blue..............

i went 2 the cinema on a 2nd date with a girl at the oydessy in belfast and it woz my 1st time there n'all.......................when i came out i couldnt see my car looked round the carpark and it woz gone............so i eventually found a security guard an dhe woz able 2 expain 2 me exactly how they get it out of the 'paying carpark'..............

needless 2 say ...i near had him by the throat.....like where woz he ???????????sleepin no doubt..............but 2 cut a short story long..........got the police etc and they said it had been caught on camera with 2 fella s and a girl in it .thye filled it with petrol and drove off..............

and that woz that...the car dissapeared off the face of the earth.and i never seen it again...............

worst thing is.i only had it on the road a few months and have no'finished photos of it at all :( :( :( :( and we'd just been shopping b4 hand and there woz probably about 250 quids worth of new clothes in it..and loadsa old tapes etc etc...............i woz absolutely gutted :( :( :( :(

22-07-05, 09:13 PM
just finished working on it. They ran my battery flat, screwed the starter motor, and the ignition is a no go. Eventually sorted everything out except the ignition, tried to hot wire it only to discover that they cut the power line to the fuel pump. botch job'd it and drove it to my mums garage.

STE Novavanman
22-07-05, 09:29 PM
oh dear you didnt have agood time of it novas and garages are best friends

22-07-05, 09:45 PM
they should have their hands chopped off.
they would claim that they cant earn a living by nicking things and therefore claim benefits fucking worthless tossers. I want to punch anyone that breaks into mine repeatly until i break my hand

STE Novavanman
29-07-05, 06:00 PM
they should have their hands chopped off.
they would claim that they cant earn a living by nicking things and therefore claim benefits fcuking worthless tossers. I want to punch anyone that breaks into mine repeatly until i break my hand

Carm down phil

29-07-05, 06:08 PM
Im with Jim on this - they should have there hands chopped off!
Sorry to hear about the car though. I hope you catch the morons on your steakout! :twisted:

lol @ Phil - Best use a bat mate it won't hurt your hands either ;)

STE Novavanman
29-07-05, 06:11 PM
oh now your giving him good ideas

29-07-05, 06:42 PM
I wont drive my blue one anywhere like the cinema / shopping etc.., and i near on shit myself leaving it outside my girlfriends!!

Years ago, my dad chained the rear tow eye of his pug 309 GTi to a concreted in land anchor on our drive every night without fail. Me and mother always used to laugh at him for being a bit 'over the top', but one night we got home from somewhere and we found his pug with the door open, the engine running and the o/s front tyre completely burned out and perished!

The nob heads obviously didnt have bolt cutters in their TWOCing kit :lol: :lol:

29-07-05, 11:43 PM
my old sr got broken into but nothing was stolen i was very upset having spend 22 pounds on a new lock that day and to have someone ruin it. in the end they just hit it through the door with a hammer or somthing and ruind it! i was very pissed off due to my lock broken and door bent a lil. i hopped inside to look what they stole as it was still parked in my secure driveway. they dint nick anything just sleeped in it spilled beer all over the backseat and singded the seats with ash. it took 5 weeks to fix the smell of the beer

29-07-05, 11:48 PM
someone tried to get into mine before i modded it they didn't get past the door lock!

they just made a mess of the door lock and bent the area around it a bit!
was gutted but couldn't help but laughat the poor attempt they made!!

but then some other knob head broke into and stoke my old rover 214 from my driveway an decided to take EVERYTHING that was in it/attached to it worth anything drain all the petrol out of it (about 1/4 of a tank) then burn it out bastids :evil:

30-07-05, 08:37 AM
I've never had any of my novas broken into by a theif but i did let my ex gf's brother break into it as I'd been a dumbass and locked my keys inside the car.

He sent me to the pub round the corner to buy him a pint and by the time i'd ordered he was stood next to me with the keys. He wouldnt tell me how he got in but he left no damage at all.

He has a rather chequered past to say the least!

STE Novavanman
30-07-05, 12:15 PM
well it only take 10 seconds to get the lock catch up with an old coathanger and then 10 seconds to break steering lock by kicking it then 10 seconds to pull the cover off steering wheel and then 10 seconds to by pass the ignition switch all of 40-50 second i reckon i could have your car away for a car with an alarm add 2 mins and immobliser forget it as you cant by pass the chip reader without special tools and by the way i am not a theft but i have lost my keys more times then id like to remember and when im in the middle of no where it helps if you know how.

30-07-05, 01:34 PM
Yeah, i agree, i dont bother with the usual methods cos thiefs can get around them. The best thing to do is make it time consuming for them to drive your car away, and theyll normally give up!

30-07-05, 03:31 PM
these people must be really retarded, i mean you can get into and drive away a nova with out even breaking anything or cutting any wires. PLus it would only about 2mins

30-07-05, 04:27 PM
I had an nova 1ltr out the bk of my house a few yrs bk, and some twoccers beached an astra gte down the end of our 10ft tryin to ditch coppers, ran down the 10ft an saw it all shiny n white with alloys an decent side skirts on, so they thought they would take it un fortunately for them the car didnt run for some reason lol, but they came bk 9 times in 2weeks tryin to take it, and never got it lol
Now ive disconnected the doorlocks from the lock inside the door, an chopped the tops off the lock pins so wen they locked they sit flush an u cant pull em up, and disconnected the boot lock too, jus hope the alarm dont fcuk up lol, handy wen someone tries to unlock the door at the traffic lights and pull u out HAHA its not gonna work fool and im stayin in me car!!!

30-07-05, 05:15 PM
handy wen someone tries to unlock the door at the traffic lights and pull u out HAHA its not gonna work fool and im stayin in me car!!!

surely a closed window would have the same effect :lol:

30-07-05, 07:04 PM
i've never had my nova broken into, but it has been vandlised, my old bmw was broken into though and stole 300quids worth of mp3/ cd player, i have heard recently that the tosser that did my car was badly hurt when a moped he stole then tried setting fire too exploded

30-07-05, 07:11 PM
well think the twatish behaviour is sperading!

woke up this am went outside to go down the shop an wing mirror of the type r was hanging free :evil:
think someone coming home from the pub last night must have thought it'd be funny to do it
pain in arse honda don't stock them and might have to buy the whole unit but will be tuesday before i can get the new bit for it so taken it off and sealed the holes up, it looks proper odd!

01-08-05, 10:01 AM
I've never had any of my novas broken into by a theif but i did let my ex gf's brother break into it as I'd been a dumbass and locked my keys inside the car.

He sent me to the pub round the corner to buy him a pint and by the time i'd ordered he was stood next to me with the keys. He wouldnt tell me how he got in but he left no damage at all.

He has a rather chequered past to say the least!
That happened to one of my friends with her Corsa in a car park, she got out to get a ticket (leaving keys in the ignition), her mate in the passenger side then leaned over and locked the drivers door, then got out, locked the passenger door and shut it :roll:

After a frantic phone call, and (literally) 20 minutes of me standing in the car park laughing at them (during which stupid passenger mate rang her dad to pick her up and take her home, leaving my friend stranded in the car park lol), it took about 20 seconds to get into the car, not a mark left on it. Didn't even need a coathanger :P