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View Full Version : Differance between 1300 and 1400 dizzy

17-07-05, 01:55 PM
I've got a 1300 dizzy on my engine, it gives no trouble and works fine! However i also have Riggys 1400 dizzy here, with the orange cap! And have been told that the 1400 is better.

I just want to know why its better, i need some good reasons too change to it, as i'm about to post the 1400 dizzy back, if not, i hope riggy will accept some cash for it ;)

So, should i change to the 1400 dizzy? and why?


17-07-05, 08:04 PM
i heard they have a stronger spark. The 1.4sr camshafts also have a different type of dizzy drive. Although aftermarket ones tend to be able to drive both types i think.

17-07-05, 08:08 PM
I've been told the same although i dont know why. The Orange ones are apparently, less troublesome, but i've had no problem with my Black one.

17-07-05, 10:46 PM
yeah the 1400 one are loads better keith :wink: :lol: :lol:

17-07-05, 10:57 PM
do you need the 1400 coil aswell? What about Cam carrier? i think they are Universal, but not 100% certain.

17-07-05, 11:12 PM
the 1300 is a better dizzy as it actually has a decent advance curve.

the 1400 one harldy does anything... stick a timing light on it and you'll see it doesnt do a lot.


18-07-05, 08:18 AM
the 1200/1300 one being the Delco mahoooooooosive beasty........

might ahve to do some trial and error on this then. got both dizzys. not a hard swap :)

18-07-05, 10:15 AM
the 1300 is a better dizzy as it actually has a decent advance curve.

the 1400 one harldy does anything... stick a timing light on it and you'll see it doesnt do a lot.


Oh rite, I was under the impression that the 1400 one had the better adavance and the 1200/1300 hardly changed. But i have not tested one agianst the other so i will take your word for it!!


Alex Mac
18-07-05, 11:59 AM
The only problem with the 1300 black cap is that the internal weights (centrafugal type) behind the very large rotor cap, they can wear on the shalf, and the springs in turn they start rattling about and can be quite noisy at times, I had one that bad, I thought it was the cam messing about then they knocked a hole in the cap throwing the spark everywhere but the right place

What you can do is brass line the shalf to decease wear

Other than that i found the dizzy worked fine in all applications

but if you are considering changing it you will need the cylinder type coil and rewire the incoming cables, the main factor is marrying up the 1400 drive into the end of the cam, some have a little nipple type depending on the cam drive, its a bit of trail and error, We have changed the drive centre shalf but it can be a bit fiddly

My advise if its not broke don't fix it

18-07-05, 05:34 PM
dont suppose any1 has this wiring and would want to sell it? the 1.4 coil wiring i mean. tis the only bit i need to get me car runnin but cant find a 1.4 sr thats scrapped anywhere!!! cheers