View Full Version : NOVA SPIDER STOLEN, HELP!!!!!!!!

10-07-05, 10:29 AM
Please everyone, we need your help in finding a car VERY urgently. Marks Immaculate Nova Spider has been stolen!!!! This car is VERY rare and distinguishable, Nova 1.3i Convertible/spider, White, fitted with hardtop at time of theft!

It was Stolen from Premier Lodge Car Park at Billing Aqua Drome Northampton

Reg: F41 4EWD

If ANYONE see's it, or has any information, please contact Mark on: 07786167242

Pictures and Spec can be found here: www.projectspider.5u.com

The car is immaculate, Floor, inner arches are white, everything powder coated, chromed, engine runs the even rarer irmsher Injection. There isnt another out there like this!

If you have a local forum, or know of any other car forums, PLEASE copy this and put it up, this car needs to be recovered and the scum caught!



jamie gsi16v
10-07-05, 10:31 AM
jesus i saw this car at billing its immaculate, il spread the word mate good look. theiving bastards

10-07-05, 11:17 AM
stuck to the top for all to see

Adam Moran
10-07-05, 11:19 AM
Keiths just told me about this, not good at al :(

Posted on turbonutters.co.uk

10-07-05, 12:02 PM
Cheers Dan!


10-07-05, 01:34 PM
Copied it across to a local site www.gtilancaster.co.uk

good luck in finding it mark !

10-07-05, 02:39 PM
Also copied across to my local site www.cruisestockport.com

Good luck finding it and i hope u burn the bastrads alive who stole it.

10-07-05, 09:11 PM
i reeli hope he does get it bak and like said i hope they catch sum1 for it.

i just spoke to mark on phone and he's stil had no luck :(

10-07-05, 10:56 PM

10-07-05, 11:33 PM
still no news, the picture above is how it looked last night. thanks everyone :cry:

11-07-05, 09:30 AM
Overheard your girlfriend telling someone @ billing yesterday and thought i misheard.

Gutted for you mate, probably the most traceable nova ever!

11-07-05, 12:51 PM
posted on all forums i use

11-07-05, 01:29 PM
like above. posted on a 2 MG forums as well, they are gettign the word round as well.

looks like we are going to find the fookers i hope.

11-07-05, 01:29 PM
posted on all forums i use

same here

11-07-05, 03:29 PM
Posted on the local MK forum too.


karl Rowntree
11-07-05, 07:27 PM
Mark, really did feel for you yesturday mate, we all did. Your car was stunning in every way and was a real credit to you.

Lets hope it has just been stolen for the reasons we spoke about and i turns up soon, Its not as if ANYTHING will be able to be sold on the car as people who would buy such parts allready know you.

I will post it up on all the forums i use tonight, the more people that keep there eyes open the better.

Good luck mate and keep smilling, i am sure this one will turn up.


11-07-05, 10:18 PM
unlucky mate, but its been said before, this is a very well known Nova, and it will be found in the end...

I'll keep my eye out, but doubt its anywhere near Reading.

11-07-05, 10:59 PM
have had word with a mate who works at Felixstowe Port, they will keep an eye out for it going though there.

12-07-05, 09:13 AM
Hopefully it turns up all okay, Its a rare car & would stick out a mile to police just for being different & especially if anyone is driving like a tw4t.

12-07-05, 01:40 PM
Cant belive this

GUTTED for you Mark - You've Not had much luck with Spiders :x

Fingers crossed the pricks are found and the car returned safely

12-07-05, 08:52 PM
Still no news, would like to thanks everyone for there kind word, Im very gratefull, On a plus point, if anyone is offered any of the parts below that ive listed I can identify everyone if you have any doubts about them

Bilstein suspension
Irmscher kit
Irmscher injection
Irmscher cam cover
Irmscher wheels

word has spread all over the net, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Luxembourg, Ireland, Switzerland and thats just what i know of

12-07-05, 08:54 PM
hey mark dont know if its anyuse spreading the word up here but i will anyway i'll keep me eyes open to you will b able to spot your car a mile off!

Good Luck

12-07-05, 10:05 PM
more word to be spread via the Recovery Drivers Dad works with, that covers at least half of the East of england and any long distance trips they make.

12-07-05, 11:59 PM
Posted on Japukmeets and Passionford.

All the best

13-07-05, 06:36 PM
sorry to hear that mate im also gutted for you i will post up info on my local cruise site www.cruisesoutheast.com to spread the word hope you get her back soon its one sorted car..Ba****ds

13-07-05, 07:00 PM
Gutted for you mate, i know the amount of time & effort you've put in to it, i've put a link up on a local site about it.
Hope you get it back in one piece !!


13-07-05, 07:02 PM
posted on vag-slag.com

15-07-05, 09:58 PM
i'm gutted for you chap, that car was a minter, I'll keep my ears to the ground and my eyes open.
Good luck with finding it chap.


16-07-05, 08:43 PM
more pictures here


still no news

18-07-05, 09:40 PM
Ive already copied the post to hullcruise.net and gonna put onto scarboroughcruise.com too, fingers crossed it must turn up soon its too distinctive not to mate, i jus hope YOU find it cos then u can give em the kicking they deserve!!!!!

20-07-05, 01:26 PM
Posted on the CRX forum

sorry to hear about your loss mate make sure you try and keep in touch with as many local scrappys too, they might try and flog the parts.

24-07-05, 11:46 PM
Any updates??

any sightings or anything?

26-07-05, 08:23 AM
i'm going to Print a few copies of the 1st post as i have a show this weekend coming, might get some people thinking, or may even spot it!

26-07-05, 09:43 AM
still no news - haven't heard a thing. Keep your fingers crossed everyone and please keep looking! Someone, somewhere must know where she is.

26-07-05, 02:09 PM
Sounds like it was ordered! Otherwise it would have been seen by now.

26-07-05, 02:44 PM
*cough* insurance job *cough*

26-07-05, 03:46 PM
Slander :o

26-07-05, 03:51 PM
*cough* insurance job *cough*

I wish, do you think id go to this extent if it was? W4nker

26-07-05, 03:51 PM
tickly throat :P

26-07-05, 03:56 PM
Someone else said that to me on MSN and i said that you would have been much better off doing the VX if you were going to that extent.

26-07-05, 03:58 PM
Someone else said that to me on MSN and i said that you would have been much better off doing the VX if you were going to that extent.

I'm not that type of person! If I needed the money i'd sell the car

26-07-05, 04:28 PM
Dam right you wouldnt Mark. Cant beleive people are thinking like that now. :roll:

26-07-05, 04:39 PM
That wasnt my point Mark, what i was getting at as the VX is replacable and worth more in spares as the spider is nigh on useless to a theif.

26-07-05, 05:26 PM
exactly, even if its been stolen to order the car is known across the world so even if someone in germany had it nicked to order they cant show it off to anyone as it will be recognised etc. so technically its worthless.

bit of a wake up call but your never going to see it again.

26-07-05, 05:56 PM
Unless they're storing it for a while til the fuss dies down, or its been shipped to America/Japan rather than Europe...

26-07-05, 06:19 PM
its a nova ffs its not a 1 left in the worl roller or something lol

if the bloke who wants it has the horn so much then im sure he has the a few ?K to waft and buy it legit lol

26-07-05, 07:20 PM
*cough* insurance job *cough*

What a Wank er!! I cannot Believe someone would post something like that!! Do you think Mark would stay down in Northampton for a extra day after it was stolen to hunt around for it, Spend over ?200 on stamps and envelopes to send to every taxi firm, petrol station, etc... in the area!

I saw him in the morning at Billing after it had been stolen and he was truly gutted!!

26-07-05, 07:26 PM
It is a strange choice for joyriding etc with the whole of Billing to choose from they take the spider. With all due repect its not a joyrider who took it as it would have been found dumped by now.

It would have been taken for a reason.

Mark what type of security did it have?

Was there CCTV @ the premier lodge?

karl Rowntree
27-07-05, 06:37 PM
I really hope you were joking with your comments there Stuart as i find them very harsh indeed.

I would expect comments like that of someone who doesnt know the scene very well but from you! If someone had said things along those lines about you at a guess they would get banned from the site.

I along with Andy saw Mark the next day and ive never seen someone so gutted about losing a car. Hes one of the most decent people on here, so if you were not joking hows about a sorry


27-07-05, 06:58 PM
so im the only one whos was a little suspicious about it all?

i wouldnt have banned someone saying similar things. people are entitled to their own opinions.

its a pointless car to nick. the theives would ahve been better off nicking a 1.4 merit plus or something.

27-07-05, 08:21 PM
There's always the possibility they didn't know what it was, and it just caught their eye as it stood out from the rest in the car park

27-07-05, 10:21 PM
There's always the possibility they didn't know what it was, and it just caught their eye as it stood out from the rest in the car park

I'd second that it's not like it actually looks anything like a nova really, it's wider, a convertible, different lights etc.

So have you not had any sightings at all??

27-07-05, 10:36 PM
i dont think stus bird is putting out hes being a right bitch recently

karl Rowntree
28-07-05, 12:11 AM
one word T......WAT!

Do you actually know Mark, stuart? He is one of the soundest lads you could ever meet, and do you think he would of gone to all the trouble of building a mint car with as many rare parts (stickers/engine etc) only to have it stolen for insurance money?????

Yes you are entitled to your own opinion but when you are basically accusing him of fraud, I think you are going way beyond what I view as acceptable. It really does amaze me what people are willing to say from the comfort of there homes, sitting behind a computer screen. As ive said in the past, if you have something to say, say it to the persons face NOT over a forum. Though I doubt you would have the balls to say it to his face.

I suggest you keep certain opinions to your self in future.


28-07-05, 07:43 AM
I suppose everyones entitled to there views. Wether good or bad.
Hes only probably stated what others maybe thinking but wouldnt say.
Not saying im agreeing. But not worth an argument tbh.

End of the day the cars gone never to be seen as far as im concerned.
If not found within around 48 hours id think its gone for good. (normally burnt shells if they are found)
Just a matter of insurance paying out.

All theiving bastards should have hands and limbs chopped of!

28-07-05, 08:52 AM

question is will stuart put a ban on himself for a lil while.....? lol!!

28-07-05, 05:39 PM
Well i dont know any of you on here, as im kind of a newbie, but i feel for ya mark, mines nowhere near the same league as yours, she is a lil tatty on the rear aches, but so r most nova`s, but if mine got stolen/kidnapped id go out of my head, an ppl suggestin that its an insurance job aint gonna be wot he wants to hear, forgive me for voicin my opinion as im not trying to make waves, im jus simply sayin think how you would feel if it were your car then think how u would react if someone said u did it for insurance money, especially if you had spent the time and energy he has on doin an amazing restoration job on that car, i really hope this car turns bk up in one piece and that somehow u manage to find the theivin lil fcukers who took it, id castrate em if it were legal!!!!

28-07-05, 08:19 PM
Stuart I look forwad to meeting you, I wasnt planning on going to trax but I am now in the hope you are.

Knob jockey

28-07-05, 08:26 PM
wasted trip then. cba with the quese etc. got more fun ideas.

anyway youd assault me for making a comment on a web forum? lol nice.

28-07-05, 08:35 PM
wasted trip then. cba with the quese etc. got more fun ideas.

anyway youd assault me for making a comment on a web forum? lol nice.

As I say I aint the scum you may think I am. You may think that others are like you but Im not, I hope your car goes the same way. But please dont come asking for help

28-07-05, 10:46 PM
Stuart, your little tickly throat quote is Libel (defamation) against Mark.

What is ?defamation??

Defamation, sometimes called "defamation of character", is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation.

If a person or the news media says or writes something about you that is understood to lower your reputation, or that keeps people from associating with you, defamation has occurred. Slander and libel are two forms of defamation.

Suggest you read this Link... http://www.medialaw.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Public_Resources/Libel_FAQs/Libel_FAQs.htm

I'd like to hightlight this point!!

Can I Be Sued for Something I Put on the Internet?

Yes. The laws regarding defamation apply to Internet as they do to more traditional media. However, federal law protects Internet service providers (ISPs) and other interactive computer services from many lawsuits.

29-07-05, 08:57 AM

i think 99 percent of our site users had better read that lol.

At the end of the day no ones perfect. Reading by the law im sure everyone on site would be liable at some point or another for something

29-07-05, 11:33 AM
Yeah Chris nobody is perfect, but accusing someone of Fraud/Deception on a public forum is way out of order!! Mark and Christina are finding it hard to come to terms with losing the car as it is, after spending many months sourcing rare parts from europe included a hard top from germany and little things like original stickers, and then spending this long rebuilding it. Mark lives for Nova Spiders, and for someone to suggest that they would do something like this is gutting for them and anyone who knows them!

Mark Beeson
29-07-05, 11:45 AM
Bishop GAY - So sue me!

Just trying to lighten things up.

Lets not get to carried away. this is how wars start!

29-07-05, 01:22 PM
Agreed Mark!

Nobody will ever agree with each other 100 percent. Thats life.

But on the part of nobody would ever insurance job a car they have spent money on. Id think about that. Im sure theres many out there that have done just that. Shame but so true.

Not implying that to this case. But just lookingat the wider picture mate.
End of the day this message board isnt gonna change feck all.

Good luck to the lad tho for the future. Hope he can find summat to replace it with.

29-07-05, 02:12 PM
Bishop GAY - So sue me!

Shut it Beeson GAY or i will get you sh*t faced on Saturday night and let the cats abuse you!! lol

Mark Beeson
30-07-05, 10:01 AM
Sounds like fun what time will the bumming commence?

01-08-05, 12:08 PM
I was in touch with Mark over the weekend just to see where he was up to and if he has heard anything on the sprider...

Hes not heard anything :( He did mention to me that someone on here reckoned it was an insurance job, i was gob smacked!!

Stuart.. keep your opinions to yourself please.. Mark / Christina had spent months building that spider up sourceing parts etc and for you to say something like that is bang out of order...

Just to let you know i was the one that the premier lodge manager called first, the reason being my car and marks spider were the 2 cars missing from the car park, fortunatley for me mine was on MIGWEBS stand, if it hadnt have been there & back in the lodge car park, god knows what would have happened!

I came down to check it out after the manager had called me, i remember seeing the spider parked next to a crew cab (which had its back window smashed) when me and th G/F were on are way back from a chinese the night before.. i then rang Mark on his mobile when i realised his car had gone.

I really hope this car gets found in one piece... it means so much to MArk & Christina..



Adam Moran
01-08-05, 03:12 PM
So it was stolen from the Prem Lodge?

Surley there must be cctv?

How much fuel did it have in it? How far could it of traveled before running empty.. that is asumming it was driven away :?

Got my eyes peeled down here in the south west for ya ;)

karl Rowntree
01-08-05, 07:18 PM
Ay up Nick :wink:

CCTV wasnt working at the premier lodge Ad.

01-08-05, 07:38 PM
If there wasn't much petrol in it, might be worth asking local petrol stations if they'd seen it.... its not the kinda car you'd miss on the forecourt

02-08-05, 11:31 AM
The garage is next door and they didnt seem the kind of place that take notice of anything except there stock :!:

05-08-05, 10:18 AM
Nearly shat myself the other day, thought this had turned up - my mates dad had acquired a white F reg cabriolet. Turns out its a false alarm though, it was a hutchinsons rather than a spyder :(

Rick Draper
05-08-05, 11:07 AM
I think they have personally stolen the wrong car...... Some nobjocky somewhere will have wanted a white nova spyder with wider arches like the one he saw at PV... The cock smith that will have been paid to do the nicking has seen a white nova convertable and had away with it.

Dont seee any other reason for anyone wanting a nova spyder with a 1.3 engine and practically no bits that will fit on any other nova. If they had had away with robs it had got bits worth ????? if you were selling them.

Feel sorry for you that its gone but was it even alarmed or did it have a disk lock fitted?

05-08-05, 12:56 PM
I dont think it had what me or you would call a sufficient system rick.

I know my new one will have a top of the range alarm/tracker/anti hijack, just too much ???? in parts on it.