View Full Version : whats a flocked dash

jamie gsi16v
07-07-05, 05:27 PM
keep hearing people mention this but ive neva known or asked?

07-07-05, 05:39 PM
I'l try find a piccy of one in a sec...

it is a dash covered in tiny little bits of rubber i presume, Like Flocking they use on model railways e.t.c

This creates a rougher matt finish compared to vynal. Apparently it's used in rally cars to minimise any reflections of the sun off of the dash into the drivers/co-drivers eyes

07-07-05, 05:43 PM

that's a pic of martin keilsons XE nova.

As you can see the dash is covered in a matt dull material, i'm not 100% sure what it is, but it'l be a similar process to flocking on models e.t.c - but alot lot tougher, and not shitty bits of fake grass !

jamie gsi16v
07-07-05, 05:52 PM
ok i see and it looks quiet smart, differant? how would you go about doing this without making a mess as i have a vision of it all eventually falling apart and being very messy? hows it held on?

Ste L
07-07-05, 08:05 PM
i would of thought it woulf be glued one, with adhesive

07-07-05, 08:50 PM
I had a post on not so long about it. Basicilly there's an adhesive you put on and then you put this fluffy stuff on and leave it to dry and then brush off excess fluff. And yes, those are the technical terms. :P

07-07-05, 09:27 PM
i agree they look reeli good but where would you buy the "fluff" from if you wanted to do it yourself??

07-07-05, 09:43 PM
i would never attempt doing it myself, unless i had a spare couple of dash's or at least 1 !

to get it looking like that you need a proper company to do it, i'd imagine it'd come out blotchy and un-even and be non-durable when done by an amateur !

I can't remember what price was qouted, but it wasn't much (something like ?190 returned)

07-07-05, 10:48 PM

that's a pic of martin keilsons XE nova.

As you can see the dash is covered in a matt dull material, i'm not 100% sure what it is, but it'l be a similar process to flocking on models e.t.c - but alot lot tougher, and not s**t bits of fake grass !

was that the nova with balck wheels and was a greeny colour nick that dash was from?