View Full Version : ECU Chips

29-06-05, 12:30 AM
Hi everyone

Not a nova post but seeing as im here and it could be for any car, where is the best place to go for an ecu to be chipped?

My dad has a Vectra GSI V6 and wants rid of flat spots, now there is superchips but ive heard their chips are more 'universal', and that unichips by dastek is it? map the chip to YOUR engine, thus making the best outcome

anyone know if this is true or where is the best place to get such a thing done



29-06-05, 03:21 AM
Im sure when ever they fit a chip to a ecu they then hook it up to the laptop and rolling road the car to make the chip work perfect for that car. Making the chip unique. Look in Total Vauxhall from a few months ago im sure they had something about this in there a while ago.

29-06-05, 09:14 AM
get the veccy into a GM dealer first and ahve the latest ECU firmware/software updates. should only cost about ?50 and that "should" iron out the flat spots.

29-06-05, 10:29 AM
get the veccy into a GM dealer first and ahve the latest ECU firmware/software updates. should only cost about ?50 and that "should" iron out the flat spots.

Yea i heard something like that, someone told me about an irmscher re-map that is supposed to be good too.

Im sure when ever they fit a chip to a ecu they then hook it up to the laptop and rolling road the car to make the chip work perfect for that car. Making the chip unique. Look in Total Vauxhall from a few months ago im sure they had something about this in there a while ago.

Dont you go to bed andy lol, posting at 3.30 in the mornin! :P [/quote]

29-06-05, 10:41 AM
FFS its not a "heard" about mod. its a fcuking service item to update the ecu if nessecary, so you can request this as a standalone option.

and i seriously daoubt irmcsher did a specific remap as all irmshcer do thesedays is bodykits. Its GM themselves that sort the maps and calibrations out lol.

as for having a dig at andy for posting at silly times, your one to talk with regards to posting ethics :p

29-06-05, 10:45 AM
FFS its not a "heard" about mod. its a fcuking service item to update the ecu if nessecary, so you can request this as a standalone option.

and i seriously daoubt irmcsher did a specific remap as all irmshcer do thesedays is bodykits. Its GM themselves that sort the maps and calibrations out lol.

as for having a dig at andy for posting at silly times, your one to talk with regards to posting ethics :p

Firstly, Irmscher do do remaps, and secondly theres note wrong with my posting as i said in another thread

Just get bored at home all day :P

29-06-05, 11:33 AM
then look at porn and exercise the left and right hands lol

Will F
30-06-05, 09:20 AM
Your dad is a chav!

Chipping a car at his age.....

30-06-05, 11:25 AM
lol, yea but if you knew the flat spots you'd want rid aswell

30-06-05, 12:34 PM
I think KFC chips are the best to go for, Stay away from the macdonald chips tho they suck. Oh and if your feeling rich go for burger king chips they have KING chips so your call.

01-07-05, 12:17 AM
I think KFC chips are the best to go for, Stay away from the macdonald chips tho they suck. Oh and if your feeling rich go for burger king chips they have KING chips so your call.

Dont like burger king, last time i went there i was sick coz the lad who served me had the most unfortunate face ever, i couldnt stop laughing and made myself sick :oops: lol