View Full Version : Engine problem, low revs fine, high revs ahhhhhhh!

09-06-05, 09:27 PM
I pulled out of a junction and started accelerating, but at about 2500 rpm, the car struggled and stalled! I rolled to the edge of the road an started the car again. Idles okay, but when revs pick up, engine struggles. The fuel was real low so got jerry can, got fuel, same problem.... I managed to drive home on the choke (waznt tooo bad).
Does anyone have any ideas what could be the problem? I think it may be the fuel filter but not really sure.

All feedback will be appreciated!

09-06-05, 09:53 PM
Well if your petrol got really low, it could have sucked up some crap from the bottom of the tank and is blocking something. Carb main jet? Fuel filter?

09-06-05, 09:55 PM
I thought it may be either of those. Would I have to buy new ones, and if so, where?

10-06-05, 01:36 PM
If it drives ok with the choke out its probably dirty jets. With the choke plate closed, there is more of a pull on the jets, which will pull more fuel through.

A garage will give them a blow with an air gun for you, usually cleans them. If you don't have one already, fit an in-line fuel filter between the tank and pump (but in the engine bay), they are about ?1-?2