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08-06-05, 11:46 PM
Alright, Think i seen this sort of post before but i cant see it, happend to me tonight going through dunstable, nice looking nova with funny paintjob, top blue, bumpers and skirts etc silver, gave me a flash and waved at me lol, i jus put hand up,,dunno why?! has this happend to you?

09-06-05, 12:23 AM
i always flash at other novas when i see them lol

unless they are shit or chavved up

but if i see a nice clean nova i'll give em a flash

09-06-05, 12:26 AM
lol nice, well he must of thought i hada clean nova then ! ive never seen a nova like it, half in one colour, and the bottom in another, was very original, lookd like it was a good job too. i never flash at other novas, doubt id geta response, people will probably think im a chav just because i wear a hat, and im young, so no point

09-06-05, 12:31 AM
Silver/Blue, thats sounds like that blokes car off here IIRC
A2l16V or summit i think his name was.
i sometimes flash my lights at decent novas, and i drive an astra :wink: :lol:
sometimes get some waves back aswell :)

Ste L
09-06-05, 01:25 AM
i would flash at other nova's, but its a bit had to drop my pants and hang out of the window whilst still driving :lol: :lol:

09-06-05, 01:52 AM
think its pretty stupid really, if everyone done it, be a whole load of flashing....

09-06-05, 07:56 AM
i always flash at other nova's, espicially if there nice clean modded ones! 8)

(not my fault its only 3inchs.... when the winds blowing the right way!!!!)

09-06-05, 09:40 AM
always do it

09-06-05, 09:51 AM
i flash fellow nova people never know if they are from here or not!

also i flash people when speed traps/police are about
sometimes get flashed back or more commonly dodgy looks back though :lol:

09-06-05, 11:23 AM
lol flash fellow nova people, i might have to start flashin them, but alot of novas round here just try racing ya and getting up behing ya.. annoying

09-06-05, 11:23 AM
cant say theres many novas around here to flash! although will give them a flash if and when i see them.

only prob i find is that you see a nova coming and it turns out to be standard and an old granny driving! :lol:

09-06-05, 11:54 AM
I flash old ladies...

Most of the novas areound here are chavved up Jobbins so i wouldnt want to associate my self with them.

09-06-05, 07:06 PM
I flash old ladies...

There's only one GT-Four owner in Yeovil (also black, but JDM) and his is off the road atm... there's one in Taunton as well i think but I don't go up there much at the moment..

Ahhh the pleasure of driving a car no one else has :lol:

09-06-05, 08:05 PM
ive only ever been flashed once and that was on the a5 coming home from Milton Keynes some blue nova wit a blue sparco sunstrip.

lee2004 dont think ive seen you driving around luton or dunstable

09-06-05, 11:53 PM
never seen you about either matey

10-06-05, 12:49 AM
me and my mate have the urge to pap the horn at random people lol, funny when they wave though. i also flash nice cars, especially the odd nova round here, either that or taunt them with my loud exhaust :lol:

10-06-05, 11:06 AM
I came out of the house one morning to find a nova full of chavs had stopped and were looking around my car. :evil:

They preceeded to ask me loads of questions, mostly ending in the word 'innit' or 'sweet'. It appears they said they were doing a 'tonn' the other day when i came past them like they were 'standin still like'.

I may have done, but i think i had my eyes closed :lol:

10-06-05, 04:48 PM
I came out of the house one morning to find a nova full of chavs had stopped and were looking around my car. :evil:

They preceeded to ask me loads of questions, mostly ending in the word 'innit' or 'sweet'. It appears they said they were doing a 'tonn' the other day when i came past them like they were 'standin still like'.

I may have done, but i think i had my eyes closed :lol:

lol sounds about right

10-06-05, 05:01 PM
Was the car your refering to this one:


I'll flash a decent Nova if I see one, sometimes you get a flash back, other times you get a puzzled look, lol.


10-06-05, 07:44 PM
when you sal you always flash nova's, even the old people who drive the really smart Merits etc?

10-06-05, 09:22 PM
lol i got flashed for the first time the other night :lol: will keep a look out for the lads nova though and flash back next time

10-06-05, 09:32 PM
I suppose the less Novas are on the road, the more likely there will be flashing. It's a cult thing on most occasions.

Driving a new MINI as I have done for the last 2 and a half years, there's loads of (officially encouraged!) recognition between drivers, either a flash or quick wave, but it's getting less and less as the months go by as there are loads of MINIs on the road now and the original 'cult' feeling is beginning to give way to mainstream.

10-06-05, 10:12 PM
in othe words Steve your arms gone dead from the waving! :lol:

10-06-05, 10:24 PM
Looks similar , not for definete though, could you give me the link for that feature please, dont wanna go through every section... cheers

11-06-05, 11:10 AM
Well i have sometimes done this if like said there a nicely done car etc no chav's.

Also me and my mate normaly get bored on the drive home from work on fridays and start to give ppl the flash and put your hand up just to see how many do it back,think the most we got was 12,but you get more confused look's most the time :lol:

ive only ever been flashed once and that was on the a5 coming home from Milton Keynes some blue nova wit a blue sparco sunstrip.

lee2004 dont think ive seen you driving around luton or dunstable

I think you might be onabout naths there.

Though it now has greay bumpers


11-06-05, 05:42 PM
nah, it was a half coloured paint job, like the one at top of page, not on this site, looked through it already, dint have the single wiper like one at the top

11-06-05, 05:55 PM
Mate i was asaying to
terrible___1 wrote:
ive only ever been flashed once and that was on the a5 coming home from Milton Keynes some blue nova wit a blue sparco sunstrip.

lee2004 dont think ive seen you driving around luton or dunstable
about the car he said about.but was the one you say about kitted? if not there is a gsi facelifted nova on pvg like the one you say about.


12-06-05, 04:50 PM
oh ok my bad, yeah was a face lift