View Full Version : Audio Carpet

03-05-02, 02:44 PM
Wheres the best chain store not local store, i can get audio carpet from because i bought a uncut parcel shelf and now it doesn't match. Can you use any material within reason? So instead of grey you could carpet it in blue or whatever.

03-05-02, 03:05 PM
audio carpet comes in many different colours. You cant just use any material if it covering speakers as normal material is not acoustically transparent ...thats why we use audio carpet. Try a store specialising in ice. I think www.bass-junkies.co.uk might be one but Im not sure.

sepatown my daimeys!!

03-05-02, 07:03 PM
its www.bass-junkies.com - flash so allow it to load

04-05-02, 05:33 PM

?5 per rollin meter, 2mtr width.

06-05-02, 12:41 PM
A mate of mine siad i could just buy some felt or velour from any market and this would be just as good and not effect the sound quality or muffle the speakers at all- is this true because it would be cheaper doin it this way?

06-05-02, 12:45 PM
not true - accoustic carpet is accoustically transparent - sound passes through it without it inteferring with the waves. Felt, velour is denser and will interfere with sound quality - then again it depends on your musical tastes, how knackered your ears are and how serious you take your in car audio. Acoustic carpet is the best - there's some good posts back in the archives of this forum ref this.

09-05-02, 04:33 PM
there is a place near me called maccess the prices are unreal at least a quarter of what you will pay anywhere but you need an account to get in i use a mates account but pay by cash, audio carpet 2x1 metre ?6 all colours

modders dream that place and its on the net somewhere


10-05-02, 09:24 PM
do maplin do different coloured carpet because i'm really after some blue stuff to match the car.