View Full Version : f13 onto xe/seh engine.

07-06-05, 08:31 PM
i no its not ideal,but how is it done,the box itself mates up fine.what mods need to be done,reason i asking is theres few nova's running 8v and 16v bigblocks with small gearbox just curoius how its done.cheers dave

07-06-05, 10:07 PM
alot of work to mess around with considering some of the f16cr big block boxes use the same ratios's

07-06-05, 10:32 PM
yeah mate i do agree but on other hand would save lot of work looking for shafts etc and would be cheaper option for conversion.

07-06-05, 11:31 PM
IMO the f13 wouldnt last long.

07-06-05, 11:32 PM
it will last aslong as f16

08-06-05, 12:17 AM
no it wont last as long as an F16 as its a weaker box

anyway if its a SEH its easy enough as the 1600 8v flywheel fits streight on along with its clutch

if its a xe u'd need to redrill the XE flywheel to take the 1600 pressure plate and hope it all works

08-06-05, 12:20 AM
ok mate cheers,dont suppose you no bout this transponder wiring carry on,do i just use plug that conects to bit round ignition and extend wires to ecu and speed sensor ?thanx for all the help by the way i like this site alot :lol:

08-06-05, 10:09 AM
err there was a wiring diagram posted on migweb recently

the speed sender goes to the transponder first then transponder connects to the ecu and theres quite a few other wiers that need connected to it too

08-06-05, 09:14 PM
yep found wiring diagram,cheers mate and thanx again

10-06-05, 08:32 PM
how is the F16 a stronger box then?

Is it the same rule that "Doesn't" apply to the F10/F13 box?

10-06-05, 09:59 PM
The 1.6 flywheels are not the same as the seh flywheel, you need to modify seh flywheel to take the 1.6 clutch, easy enough and cheap if there is a machine shop local to you.

Staceys Pink nova as seen at the donny track day and in total vauxhall runs a seh with a f13c/r box, she has been up the pod and she uses the car hard enough and everyday for work, it has done 16 runs in a day up the pod and still has had no problems whatsoever.

judging on the way people seem to destroy f20's on xe's and lets I'd probably say a f13 isn't a great idea on a xe but it would be a cheap way to drop a big block in there.