View Full Version : 3 Points on license?!?

31-05-05, 10:36 PM
I was comin down a 30mph zone dual carrigeway, max i was doin was bout 45ish, then soon as i saw it i slowed rite down to 30ish, but i was already in view of it when i was doin 45, bout 150meters away, but the speed camera vans dont flash do they,, as i went thru i was doin 30 tho!! do u think i got caught?! hope not ive only passed ma test 6months!

31-05-05, 10:43 PM
well you probably did, they'd jump at any excuse to catch a young driver.

and to be honest, it's your own fault if you have. I hope it teaches you a valuable lesson and you don't feel the urge to go round breaking 30mph limit's again !

There is some system in england where you can get out of speeding tickets. this i basically the gist of it

They send you a N.I.P when you sign this it automatically turns into a Witness statement which is used against you in court ( you have to sign the N.I.P and tell them who was driving the car, they then send that person a fine)

Don't pay the fine and you can obtain a form from the internet which basically says you don't give them the right for them to youse your N.I.P as a witness statement, as you have to be legally read your rights to make a witness statement legit (ot something like that), send this back

They may give you a court hearing, but they then have no statement on who was driving the car. and you can't be N.I.P (prosecuted) for the same crime twice.

something like 800 people have allready used this and one, it's a loop-hole in the law. Although they might have done something to erradicate this

I have completyl forgotten what it's called, so you'l have to do some hunting on the internet for information. I've only read about this, so i don't knwo 100% if it actually works.

31-05-05, 10:45 PM
ok then, i already read about this, i would do that (not sign) then probably get the hassle of a steeper fine, etc.. yeah i was breaking the speed limit, jus daydreaming, shit happens i suppose, my mum is on my insurance, she aint drove in twenty years, so if it comes through hopefully jus say she was driving, she dont mind. unless they prove otherwise. fookers

31-05-05, 10:50 PM
if the van photographed the front of the car then you may struggle to convince them of that fact


31-05-05, 10:51 PM
well once you've done it and sent it off, they can't use the N.I.P statement as a witness statement against yourself, or whomever was driving .

Without the witness statement then how can they proove in court who was driving ? unless they got a mug-shot of you in the car lol.

it sounds like a good system, but i doubt they're letting people use it still.

Failing that there is some ancient bill of rights passed by some special means, which basically says you can't be fined for public offences. A lawyer researched this when he was faced with a parking fine, and he prooved that he didn't have to pay it according to this bill of rights. Unfortunatly there is no-way that the government can over-rule this law for somereason (i have forgotten the name of it)

And basically this lawyer hasn't been taken to court for 2 years now, because they know he's going to win. so it's been left as an outstanding fine

bit of usefull information for you there

31-05-05, 10:54 PM
well i just gotta hope that i was doing 30, my speedos are way out anyway, since puttin sr clocks in my car for sum reason

31-05-05, 10:57 PM
oh and if it comes after 17 days (used to be 14, but they've got 17 now for some reason) and/or is delivered by anything less than 1st class post (i.e 2nd class) then you don't have to pay the fine.

Tought luck if you get one, be more consciencious next time

31-05-05, 11:25 PM
ask for the picture if they send a nip gives you the pic so you can try to bluff your mum was driving if it's not clear and will give you a bit more time too!

01-06-05, 12:46 AM
ask for the picture if they send a nip gives you the pic so you can try to bluff your mum was driving if it's not clear and will give you a bit more time too!
They won't give you the pic unless you go to court to contest it - they automatically see asking for the pic as an admission of "not guilty"; that is to say you can't ask to see the pic then decide 'oh yeah it was me' and fill out the NIP and take your three points, you have to go to court even if you plead guilty after seeing the pic.

Apparently you can get round the NIP by getting someone else to fill it out on your behalf etc etc.... I won't go into detail as thats another method they've probably got new laws to counter now

Anyway, you might get away with that "driver training course" thing where they offer you a day course and ?80 (or whatever it is) "fee" and they spend the day telling you speed is evil don't do it again etc, thus saving you from points on the license.

By the time you've seen the van its too late anyway.

Hehe, saw a copper using a laser gun the other day on a 30mph dual carriageway in my town. Was gonna tell him he was using the thing incorrectly (no tripod!) but he'd gone by the time I'd turned round :evil:

01-06-05, 01:05 AM
only some counties are doing the driving training scheme. Cumbria doesn't, but lancashire does (im on the border nearly)

and it's only withint 3 or 4 MPH on the limit. I.e in a 30 zone you'd only be allowed to be doing up to 34mph or something similar.

01-06-05, 08:25 AM
just drive with no front plate... it's only a ?30 fine

01-06-05, 08:51 AM
just drive with no front plate... it's only a ?30 fine

Another piece of excellent advice there from Ste :roll:


01-06-05, 09:20 AM
Thought you could request a pic to confirm date time and it was your car??
never had a nip so far so was working on what i'd been told!

01-06-05, 10:20 AM
you can get a picture, my dad got one before and he dint go to court. yeah i got told as soon as you see the van its already read your speed or something, tut i slowed down as i was going through it, because i didnt spot it straight away. aint got an idea of what speed i was doing when i spotted it, think it was bout 40-45...

01-06-05, 10:45 AM
Was it on the A505 between Dunstable and Luton by any chance... lol They always sit in the middle of the road there.

Just wait for the notice of intended prosecution to come through.. and pray you were doing less than 48 otherwise it's outside of the fixed penalty scheme and the prosecution will go to court.

You don't have to physically appear in court though, you can just fill out out a form with your mitigating circumstances (if any) bla bla.

01-06-05, 11:00 AM
Ste_Nova wrote:
just drive with no front plate... it's only a ?30 fine

piece of excellent advice there from Ste


hahaha :lol:

01-06-05, 12:38 PM
yeah it was the a505 comin back from dunstable.. as i was going around the slight bend i was prob speeding, and as soon as i spotted them i slowed, might of been to late.. i hope not though..

01-06-05, 12:45 PM
Only read the first part of the thread. Just sit back and accept you was speeding and accept the points like a man