View Full Version : x16xe start up problems !!help!!

jamie gsi16v
26-05-05, 11:04 PM
just wondered if anybody could help? ive just finished putting my x16xe in my nova, everything is built up and complete so i went to turn the key....... no power to the fuel pump??? but the engine turned over. i checked for a spark and one was there, so i ran a live feed straight from the battery to the pump and turned it over while it was pumping fuel...still no good, pressure just built up inside the pipes and neva got into the head, (injectors not working)? so i next went to the fuel pump relay where i had a positive feed there (red) and two blue and red wires in the same connection which light my tester light up for two seconds when i crancked the engine over but didnt light just on ignition? and the brown and red wire shows nothing on the tester light in any ignition position? any ideas what the problem could be? :?:

26-05-05, 11:38 PM
the brown/red is just a trigger, the red/blue is the output and should go live when cranking the engine

jamie gsi16v
26-05-05, 11:42 PM
the tester light goes on for about two seconds then goes off even when you keep it cranking, im really stuck and dont no what to try next? should the brown and red wire come live at all then cuz it doesnt?

27-05-05, 12:20 AM
brown-red is an earth so its not gonna show anything

the fact the pulse stops means the ecu thinks something is wrong

read the fault codes out

jamie gsi16v
27-05-05, 10:13 AM
fault codes? how do i read these out?

27-05-05, 10:38 AM
have u got a diagnostic plug fitted to the loom?

and have ugot the engine management lgith wired to the dash?

if so u stick a paper clip over pins a and b on the diag plug and your management light will flash out the fault codes like this:

Flash <pause> Flash Flash <pause>
Flash <pause> Flash Flash <pause>
Flash <pause> Flash Flash <pause>

then it will go onto the next code, that code up there is 12 (it reapeats the code 3 times) and it is simply a break code, doesnt actually mean anything but it flashes that between each real error code, im sure you'll get others out of it

if u havent got diag plug or emu light then u cant do that, so get the management light wired up (brown/blue on ecu loom to brown/blue on nova dash, if it was original an injected model, if it was a carb model connect it to the choke light which i think is brown/yellow)

if u havent got a diag plug i'll find out which wires that uses for u later

jamie gsi16v
27-05-05, 11:20 AM
ok mate, at the moment the engine management light just flashes continuously when ignition is on, i have not got a diaognostics plug wired in. whats the next step?

27-05-05, 05:50 PM
flashing continously means the immobiliser is active im almost certain,

do u have the transponder wired up and the original key attached to it?

jamie gsi16v
27-05-05, 07:08 PM
yes mate, i unpicked all the dash loom and connected all the wires up for the transponder correctly (i think) took the chip out the key and stuck it too the transponder but still no go?