View Full Version : is there any difference between an sr and an sri gearbox?

18-05-05, 08:35 PM
swapping engines from 1.3sr to 1.4 sri and wondered if i would get any benifit from also swapping the boxes?? cheers. Kev

18-05-05, 11:20 PM
The 1300 has a F10/5w

and the sri has a f13/5.

So it does have a different box.

Don't no if there would be any benefit of swapping it tho

19-05-05, 01:09 AM
look on the end of the box for the box code and then tell us what codes they are


u can see W418 next to the earthstrap on that pic, thats what u need to find

tell us which u have and we can tell u what the box is like

General Baxter
19-05-05, 10:56 AM
its a stonger box i think :?

19-05-05, 05:35 PM
the boxes could be the same, they migt be different. it's a bit hit and miss really. best thing to do is get thebox numbers off both boxes and we will tell you the best on to use

Ste L
19-05-05, 06:53 PM
my sri's got an f10 :?

19-05-05, 07:19 PM
i just went out and had a look but it is almost impossible to make out any of the two codes. i can only make out a J from the sri box and it's the one out the car. is there anything i can use to make them clearer. i tried rubbing them with a rag right back to the metal but cant see any clear codes? any help appreciated. Kev

19-05-05, 08:09 PM
i found that some brake cleaner usually worked ok

19-05-05, 10:32 PM
i'll try that tomoro when i get back from work as i think i have some in my garage. thanks for your help and i will tell u how i get on tomoro. Kev

21-05-05, 06:19 PM
Use a wire brush and rough wet and dry sand paper, then try it after you've got most of the gunk of it. I think i'm almost right in saying (not 100% sure) that most SR boxes had the W418 box, and most GTE/GSI had the CR box. Combine both together, and you have a nippy little pocket rocket.