View Full Version : window tinting

12-04-05, 01:56 AM
i have just tinted my rear window and it were alot harder than i thought. it probably doesn't help with how curved the window is and that i did a major fook up lol. i managed to put the top piece on to high so that when i put the bottom bit on the was an inch gap lmao. i managed to put a third piece in though
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0RQAAAN8TF5kBk5zONk8gSq547zjayzFaeOpq6Om9j8Ij!XtSY OOpH56FGMSZKH9pfMbItXthS0tluBYRgcG*pgjONqU4Uf1Anxu 9X0PXPjY/DSCN0404.JPG?dc=4675517856317871420
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0RQAAAOATU5kBk5zONk8gSkJWOQSDskl4wXtttD17gV!C2ng9a TxFGnnVWgfg7jvxZPtZMq6j1Oc!iyX*akXhx*oaXgdoosjsEvn M1d8VX7w/DSCN0405.JPG?dc=4675517856321275579

its not bad i supose concidering it is the first tinting i have ever done but it has taken me two hours lmfao. ill probably end up redoing it before it comes out

12-04-05, 06:22 AM
wow burgo from what i can see mate it looks superb i cant even see the 3 diffrent strips of the tint

12-04-05, 08:56 AM
yea that looks awsome! how did you go about doin it? defo looks tidy...


12-04-05, 11:27 AM
Tidy 8)

I never even attempted to tint the rear on my nova, and thats nowhere near as curved as that... although it did take me god knows how many attempts (and rolls of tinting film) to get the side windows looking good!! :lol:

12-04-05, 12:17 PM
If you wet the outside of the window on lay the film on then go over it with a hairdryer or hot air gun, the film will take the shape of the window, then just add the soapy water to the inside, peel the backing and it should fit nicely with no creases.


12-04-05, 01:54 PM
is it easy 2 take the nova windows out with out f**king up the sills?

12-04-05, 04:46 PM
Its not that hard to take em out, Just dont be too forceful......BIG CRACK! whoops! smash! Lol

Good job Burgo....looks pro quality! :+:

12-04-05, 06:59 PM
lmao pro quality i wish you have only seen it in pics, its so bad im concidering doing it again. i recon i actually used to much water aswell when putting it on. i deffo recomend getting a pre-cut kit though, mine cost me ?40 for all the windows

12-04-05, 08:15 PM
did you have a problem with the film over the bumps of the ceramic bars of the heated element ?

or does it go through the middle of the glass ?

12-04-05, 08:38 PM
not to much of a problem, you just have to squeegy the water out by following the lines. i also went over it with a hair dryer to dry it aswell

12-04-05, 09:31 PM
i also went over it with a hair dryer to dry it aswell

A top tip from Mr Burger there

13-04-05, 09:44 PM
ha ha @burger lololol

14-04-05, 03:30 AM
ha ha @burger lololol chill out all he did was changed some letters

14-04-05, 08:35 AM
Mr Burger:


14-04-05, 03:06 PM
Lol at ANOTHER Razor Jack google image! :lol: