View Full Version : Fookin Wannakers

07-04-05, 09:29 PM
Hey all

Just got home from work earlier on to find that some one had broke into my flat and stolen over 2000 pounds worth of xbox and ps2 games i rung the police two hours later they turn up,

I dont know if anyone else has had this happen to them but i just dont wanna go back, the police are checking for fingerprints tomorrow.

Just really upset really, they didnt take the consoles.


General Baxter
07-04-05, 09:31 PM
contense (sp) insurance ;)

07-04-05, 09:42 PM
contense (sp) insurance ;)
:lol: Contents

novavanman-Sorry to hear that, the police were probably too busy pulling someone over for doing 31 in a 30zone.

If any of the stolen goods had any identifiable(if thats a word) marks on them, keep a look out on ebay.
Its never happened to me(touch wood) but i don't know how i would feel tbh.

You don't know what you got till its gone. :|

07-04-05, 09:44 PM
No sign of forced entry so insurance wont pay up

07-04-05, 09:52 PM
they also trashed the place and went throught all my cupboards

07-04-05, 10:08 PM
unlucky mate, hopefully the police will get some prints and find the twats that done it..

07-04-05, 10:38 PM
thats proper shit mate, its wankers like that who cant find nothin better to do so end up doing something shitty to other people. most likly a smack head who need money for for smack

unlucky about it all mate and that is a total bastard about the insurance. well if you find out who did it take a couple of mates around with you find him n beat living shit out of them. violence isnt the option, its the answer!

07-04-05, 10:42 PM
unlucky there mate

hope you get your stuff back

08-04-05, 08:37 AM
No sign of forced entry

it wasn't secure then!!

08-04-05, 09:17 AM
not much consolation BUT chip the ps2 and xbox, then get all yours games for up to ?6 each then

atleast that way your not going to be crippled by the huge cost of replacing them with OE ones

08-04-05, 11:43 AM
that happened to my old flat in Glasgow about 3 yrs ago. They broke in just before Christmas, left all the pressies under the tree and rippedoff over 500 CD's.

Left the playstation stuff though.

Poice turned up - pretty quick to be fair - dusted a couple of light switches for effect and left.

Not much else they could do - breakins for opportunist crack heads arent a high priority where I live.

Anyway - Insurance paid up v quickly - got new dead locks fitted, custom burglar alarm to replace old duffered one and they allowed us to replace ALL CD's. because we couldnt remember them all, the girl just said 500 cd's at approx ?10 a cd = ?5k - just pick your most wanted list of cd's ever and we'll send them to you. Sure enough - over the next 4 weeks we received boxes and boxes and boxes of cd's - every one we ever wanted!


Made up for the break in big time.

Was still annoyed at getting done over but its amazing how it reficusses your mind on security and personal safety.

08-04-05, 12:28 PM
not much consolation BUT chip the ps2 and xbox, then get all yours games for up to ?6 each then
Mate of mine has only ever bought one game for his Xbox - GT4 - all the other games (and there's quite literally hundreds upon hundreds of them!) he's *ahem* acquired, most of which came from an old no-longer active site with similar name to this yet quite different content lol

Not much else they could do - breakins for opportunist crack heads arent a high priority where I live.
:evil: I hate crackheads.... went to see my ex yesterday after not having seen her for two years and she's one now, such a waste :roll:

08-04-05, 12:49 PM
bunch of @unts they are! :evil: :evil:

08-04-05, 01:24 PM
Sorry to hear that mate, Like mentionned above-keep a look out on eBay.

08-04-05, 01:28 PM
Shops like Cash Generator are also worthy of keeping watch on for nabbed goods.

08-04-05, 01:34 PM
sorry to hear that m8, dont mean to sound stupid but if there was no forced entry how did they get in??!!

08-04-05, 06:27 PM
thats well bad mate
i can only imagine how you feel
id be gutted if someone took all mine id be gutted ive got loads

08-04-05, 09:03 PM
no prints were found wasted an hour looking for them the reason there is no forced is cause me an my girlfriend think it was some1 from estate agents they came round on mon to value the flat, they have keys, they know when we work, also the let by board out front has n taken down same day also the person that came on mon was a bloke and women is unlikely to nick games so gonna go to estate agents and beat the shat out of em till they give em up.

08-04-05, 09:30 PM
i know wot it feels like m8, i remember at my first house i came in from chatting on a park with a mate (lol - i did that sort of thing) and i walked into the front room, and something was different - couldnt put my finger on it!


My ps2 had gone with all my games and my laptop and printer, the window had been crowbarred and they had got it. they obviousily took thee time with it cos all the wires were un tangled from the tv (lol).

i set up CCTV in the front room (stupid i know - got it for xmas :D) and stayed up most of the night chatting to kev cos i was owrried police were wank as they turned up 3 hours later @ 2am in the morning.

Insurnace paid out which was good but it took ages as i had only had the house 3 months so they had to send an investigator out. - suit made med look a nice person not any chavvy shit

cheers & hard lines mate


Phil GTE
10-04-05, 01:02 AM
So they left your PC then? :wink:

10-04-05, 09:47 AM
Laptop at girlfriends

10-04-05, 07:15 PM
Things like this relay piss me off, i mean all they are going to do is probably swap it for some drugs.

10-04-05, 07:42 PM
...Or max power neon washer jets