View Full Version : I AM A GOON

04-04-05, 11:17 PM
yesterday while pickin my new nova up from my mates i drove over a brick and split a fuel pipe...after putting petrol in so i lost the lot. then when i got it hom (me and my mate pushed it) i locked my keys in and dont have spares so i had to break in and in doing so fooked me door least i got spares tho lol anyone else had a day that everything goes wrong

04-04-05, 11:23 PM
gutted, u r haven a bad day m8

04-04-05, 11:26 PM
i forgot the mention that when i tryed to fit my head unit i found it to be , yes u guessed it fooked aswell god knows how its never been used and to cap it all ive lost the reciept

04-04-05, 11:36 PM
i broke my gearbox once, and faced the embaressment of being towed home by a fiesta !

that was embaressing !

04-04-05, 11:38 PM
lol id rather push it home lol

05-04-05, 12:34 PM
lol reminds me of the "classic" time I took both my door handles off for painting. Started to rain a little so did up the windows and closed the doors... whoops :lol:

05-04-05, 10:35 PM
nice one lol

06-04-05, 12:34 AM
i broke my gearbox once, and faced the embaressment of being towed home by a fiesta !

that was embaressing !

Lol, I got towed by a citroen ax! Thats just as bad if not worse! Poor thing hardly pulled me! Think it was the wind. lol

06-04-05, 03:06 PM
lol reminds me of the "classic" time I took both my door handles off for painting. Started to rain a little so did up the windows and closed the doors... whoops

now thats a good'en by razorjack!! :lol: