View Full Version : Carb or no carb??

04-04-05, 09:51 PM
I dont no whether my new 1.2 nova is a cab or not. It ses 1.2i on the back but ive bin told that if it has the big air filter across the engine its a carb ow can i spot the difference by jus looking at it?? :?

04-04-05, 11:40 PM
Both 1200carb and 1200spi had the pancake type filter, IIRC, the 1.2i had a flat top cambelt cover, and has no fuel pump running off the cam.
If the car says 1.2i on the back, then i would guess it is a 1.2i :wink: :lol:

BTW-This is a technical question :wink:

04-04-05, 11:49 PM
Easy ident..........

1.2i- 2 fixing screws for filter
1.2 carb- 3

05-04-05, 05:48 PM
cheers ppl i no it shuda bin in th technical bit sozz!! jus bin out n checked its gt 2 bolts so its an injection!! :D

05-04-05, 10:59 PM
or the even easier ident...

manual choke = carb