View Full Version : Guess whos just bought a Nova Sport!

karl Rowntree
29-03-05, 09:08 PM
Dont know if any of you seen the sport advertised in the back of Total Vauxhall Mag this month?

Anyway i phoned Andy saying i was thinking of buying it as a run-around and he said why dont we go half's? seeing as we have both allways wanted one. So he viewed the car at the weekend and i went tonight, closing the deal after half hour.

Its not in perfect condition but i dont expect it to be for the money we payed. Its missing its stickers but i think thats about all it is missing. Its had all new panels and a respray but not done to a standard i would be happy with.

So not quite sure what we are going to do yet, it may be mint it may be a cheap fun car for us both to go to the shows over the summer in. Whatever we do with it expect to see it over the summer with us both smilling in it.

Picking it up at the weekend and will be stripping it ready for a tidy so will keep you posted.


29-03-05, 09:23 PM
you stuffy stuffy boy lol

how many nice cars do you want :wink:

if it was me id re-build the sport to mint condition and then keep it with yours lol :lol:

29-03-05, 09:23 PM
how many run arounds do you need

29-03-05, 09:24 PM
Thats not the Sport in Birmingham owned by a guy called Neil Jones is it mate??

If so then i went and looked at that, and would have had it if the bank had let me have a loan for it..Was fast as fook and bodywork is pretty mint too, like you say not perfect.

Great cars Sports are, would have loved to buy that one :D

29-03-05, 09:28 PM
give us the evo :lol:

29-03-05, 09:31 PM
you lucky get, i take it you mean this one
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0RQCpAt4T2Jn8ZAPBqt41pHx6z6JY9Texyy92IjiFDX!tD46Wu *TM4xHy3kiM8ZhIyzIDfGMfxrB9wBxnTYAnvTWoscFnMGcra*7 dnXRzI84/DSCN0367.JPG?dc=4675516038550377787

29-03-05, 09:32 PM
Thats definately the one i went to look at, same pic that was sent to me when i first enquired about it lol

29-03-05, 09:35 PM

yeah i'll even exchange my 1.3 Luxe for it as well! :wink:

29-03-05, 09:36 PM
Whats been done to get 140bhp? Or is that a max-powerism on the power? lol

29-03-05, 09:36 PM
Jammy get a sport aswell. Yeah i would probably rebuild it to and take it to shows its to good to be a run around.

karl Rowntree
29-03-05, 09:38 PM
TBH Carl it probably will end up mint and we will proably never sell it :lol: Though i will have to settle down one day, still got all the work to do on the escort lol, think i need to change that one from soon to within the next 10 years!

Sean, the evo is pretty much what my nova used to be a weekend car and something to enjoy and have some fun in. I dare leave it anywhere in Birmingham as they are all going missing at the mo! So i am using the work my work vans to runaround and thats becoming a pain. So hence the nova lol, but thats going to now be something else for the garage. Just hope i win the lottery soon as i will be skint.

Dan, Neil said a someone in a 5 door had been to look at it. Thought he was just saying that so i would buy it there and then. Its a small world mate, sorry if you were still planning to buy it. It was a good price though for what it is.

Epo, you can buy it in a few months if you want. If i win the lottery you can borrow it :wink:

29-03-05, 09:38 PM
Its a max-powerism i reckon lol

When i went to look at it, the owner showed me a rolling road printout and it was something like 103bhp or 108bhp cant quite remember..

29-03-05, 09:41 PM
Saw this on eBay the other day, if I had some money to spare I'd be very interested in it:

karl Rowntree
29-03-05, 09:42 PM
It was a miss print, it made 104 bhp at sid's tuning shop.

Had many spares with it and had alot of money spent on it. Just needs tidying.

Anyone know where theres any mint sport parts for sale?


29-03-05, 09:45 PM
Epo, you can buy it in a few months if you want. If i win the lottery you can borrow it :wink:

lol ill store it for you :lol:

29-03-05, 09:57 PM
hope andy is having this one in the garage.
you said at chris's that your dad was getting anouyed with you having both garages already

karl Rowntree
29-03-05, 10:05 PM
Picking it up hopefully on Saturday mate, Just need to get hold of the trailer. Then its straight up to andys, will probably have the engine out and stripped by sunday lol. Will have to wait and see.

Just been on a site andy told me about its www.andysnovasport.com. I recommend having a look, its THE mintest nova ive ever seen! What have we got our selves into :twisted:


29-03-05, 10:11 PM
ive been on that site before karl and fair enough its super mint but thats only cos they basically reshelled it. i prefere it when people keep as much of th original as they can

29-03-05, 10:18 PM
Hang on a frickin minute here Karl.. There's two turbo Novas way up the que before the sport :P


karl Rowntree
29-03-05, 10:35 PM
:lol: Keith i think it will be a long time before we would even think of going mad on it mate. I dont have the time at the moment to be ripping novas apart.

And yes i do need to get up to stoke more, think it needs to be a group effort. Loads to do and not alot of enthusiasm at times. Funny thing is if we all put our minds to it, both of them would be on the road in a couple of months.

Martin/ Andy, set the date for the big nova build off and i will be there! Aslong as you feed me Carling :wink:

karl Rowntree
29-03-05, 10:39 PM
Its a shame though Burgo that there isnt much left of most nova sport, as with most novas they are rotten. Its a case of most things have to be replaced to keep them mint.

I had to replace pretty much everything on my nova to get it to a good standard. Just the way it is im afraid mate.


29-03-05, 11:40 PM
Another Nova added to the collection between us!! As Karls said we've both wanted and talked about having a sport in the past and this one came along at the right time!

Hopefully we should be at all the shows with it this year after a bit of a tidy and stuff! Who knows it may end up being a show car too one day....

Karl, As you've said, it's about time we pulled our fingers out and got the 2 Turbos in the garage sorted... Won't take us long once we put our minds to it!! Whenever your ready chap!! Plenty of Carling here and the spare room will be available again soon, either that or the garage floor.... and we have a pc in there now to put the updates up!!

karl Rowntree
30-03-05, 05:29 PM
My own bedroom, Carling and a PC in the garage! Count me in for this weekend then mate :wink:

I say now the weather is getting good we should make good start soon, dont mind staying up all night working on cars when its warm. If we aim to pick it up saturday morning we could have a few hours on it in the afternoon, maybe even have a few hours on the turbos!

P.S need to keep sunday afternoon free as we are having a pre-nurburgring trip at Bassetts Pole mate :wink:


30-03-05, 08:52 PM
Can't believe it!!! :o

I used to have a original pair of stickers for the Sport - one goes on the blank panel near the light switch (has cold start instructions) and another which goes on the drivers side suspension turret in the engine bay and is about the hot air/cold air feed.
Those stickers were originals and unused (still on original backing) - I gave them to Graham Grey for his restored Sport as he was missing them! If I'd of known I'd of kept them for you boys for when (not if) you restore this one!

30-03-05, 10:37 PM
i want a sport but have nowhere to store it. good luck keeping at as a runabout, you know it will never happen.

hows the chin karl?

karl Rowntree
01-04-05, 09:20 PM
I can remember seeing those stickers Jules and thinking where did he manage to get them from! Oh well mate, cheers for thinking of us :wink: If you know of any other geniune parts give us a shout mate.

Benji, the chins kind of healed now its just my jaw! Its completly out of line and i am still having trouble eating. Going to nip down the hospital over the weekend and get it checked again. Cheers for asking anyway mate :wink: