View Full Version : how do you cut slats out on a GSI front bumper?

27-03-05, 10:03 PM
right im posting on behalf of my brother.
he's been thinking about cutting the slats out of it. (you know what ones i mean) so it turns in to like a big mouth style.

are there any guides any where about how to do it? we dont just want to hack away at it untill were sure how to do it properly (dont want to ruin the bumper)

cheers, lew

5_door owner
27-03-05, 10:21 PM

or for the guide try here


27-03-05, 10:27 PM
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28-03-05, 03:44 AM
Lew wats ur bro done to the gsi so far?

28-03-05, 02:12 PM
hacksawed mine out :lol:

28-03-05, 10:32 PM
Jigsawed mine out. Tell him to take his time and that he'll need fillers, fibreglass, an old number plate (for patching if he's doing a big wide mouth) lots of patience and some money for fags and beer cuz its such a b!tch of a job he'll need them!! :wink:

29-03-05, 01:01 AM
If your talking about the design Im thinking of, Then wouldnt it be cheaper & easier to try & find a used Novadose front bumper?

29-03-05, 02:04 AM
I don't think its the bumper ur thinking of mate. Unless u mean the abyss one?

29-03-05, 03:21 AM
ah-ha! Thats the one I was thinkin of! :wink: Kinda big mouth smoothed off GSi.

31-03-05, 10:42 AM
alright andy, well he's had it lowerd 60mm now, he would of had more done by now but he's paying off his credit card.

cheers for the link 5_door owner.

i dont think he'd want to buy the abyss bumper though.
cheers all, lew

12-04-05, 09:32 AM
well i was looking at this thred and guess what im going 2 wide mouth my gsi bumper just hope it comes out ok lol