View Full Version : Why don't people give way!!!!!!!??????

27-03-05, 11:59 AM
I was driving home last night approaching a roundabout at 35 miles an hour, slowing as I went. Nobody from the right, off the brake, carried on.


Some twat approaching from my left doesn't slow down enough to let me pass, thinks he can make it.......


D**khead goes right into the side of me. N/S/F Wing f**ked, and he struck the top of the wheel as well, so the steering was light and pulling toward the left. Getting it checked today. Wanna avoid insurance bo**ocks at all costs cos I dont wanna loose my no-claims. There's a nova saloon down the yard I can either drive or get the wing and hub off (if the hub's f**ked)

Any ideas what could be causing the buggered steering? Hub? Suspension?


27-03-05, 12:05 PM
Nasty mate,not good,as your car looked very clean..

Well as for the steering being out,i would have though it was from a bent lower etc? get it cheacked to be safe though mate soon as..


27-03-05, 12:13 PM
bugger glad that your alright mate, sure the car can be repaired

27-03-05, 12:14 PM
When you say someone from the left didn't slow down, were they entering the roundabout at another entrance, if so and you were already on the roundabout, then surely you had right of way and it would be their insurance that would pay up, which would mean you dont lose your no claims.

27-03-05, 12:16 PM
go through insurance an make sure he gets an ass raping, if you dont do anything about it he'll think he can drive like that all the time.

Most the time ive seen when a car has been hit on the wheel its the ball joint that goes.

27-03-05, 12:19 PM
When you say someone from the left didn't slow down, were they entering the roundabout at another entrance, if so and you were already on the roundabout, then surely you had right of way and it would be their insurance that would pay up, which would mean you dont lose your no claims.

As I was approaching I saw im, obviously assuming he was going to stop. He didnt. I then had an encounter with the front bumper of a f**king Zafira.

Bloke was a b**tard though, saying he had right of way. WHAT!? He even went over to another car (witness) and asked if you give way from the right? HE SAID NO TOO!!!!!!!!

F***********CK SAKE!

I calmed down, got all details of the driver and witnesses. Im gonna ring up my insurance and ask for some claim forms to cover my a**e, and wait till he rings me.

I really dont need this :cry:

27-03-05, 12:25 PM
Same thing happened to my mum, some twat in a brand new jag cut her up an ended writing his own car off. Because she was on her own he tried to bully her into claiming it was her fault, got the police involved as he was being a cock. It was rather funny though as it took the whole side of his car off but only scratched my mums bumper. Still went on his insurance though, make him learn from his mistakes.

27-03-05, 12:37 PM
Like JK said, if you were on the roundabout and he joined from the left, then its his fault. However, if you were speeding and the other guy was on the roundabout and you came flying across it, then there may be an issue with claiming.

It just seems strange that you don't want to claim when from what you've written, the other driver is in the wrong.

I've recently had to claim for someone driving into the back of me, it is a pain, but I'm not going to pay for the damage when it was blatently their fault.


27-03-05, 12:42 PM
Well you always give way to the right,its the highway code :roll: so if he is saying you wer not on the roundabout before him,all you need to say is well how did the nobba hit my car square on the wing,etc??? only way he could was if you wer on the roundabout before he enter it,so he was in the wrong... :wink:


27-03-05, 12:46 PM
Like JK said, if you were on the roundabout and he joined from the left, then its his fault. However, if you were speeding and the other guy was on the roundabout and you came flying across it, then there may be an issue with claiming.

It just seems strange that you don't want to claim when from what you've written, the other driver is in the wrong.

I've recently had to claim for someone driving into the back of me, it is a pain, but I'm not going to pay for the damage when it was blatently their fault.


I wasn't speeding, im over that phase now :wink:

Like I said, 35 in a 40 on approach. Ill look into it......


27-03-05, 12:48 PM
I agree Scott, it just seems strange that this lad doesn't want to claim :?:


27-03-05, 12:53 PM
I agree Scott, it just seems strange that this lad doesn't want to claim :?:


Well yes and no,lol if that makes sence,i see why as its some times takes very long and can be stressfull,also if like he said the bloke in the car that hit him is trying to get away with it,and the "witness" is saying he did not know it was giveway to right,then i think he might be in a tight spot trying to prove his claims.. :roll: i fell sorry for him really,as i hate messing with insurance papers etc..


27-03-05, 12:54 PM
TBH, this is unchartered territory for me. Im ringing my company for claim forms if I need them, and ill be in touch with his.

27-03-05, 12:56 PM
I would say it is simple. were you on the roundabout first???? if it's a yes and he pulled into the side of you, then it's his fault. if he was on the roundabout first and you were going too fast to stop and crossed his path when he hit you, then it is your fault.

either way it's an arse and I hope you get it sorted quickly.

27-03-05, 01:05 PM
Well, I've just rung the Norwich Union claims department only to find out that they closed today, open tomorrow :roll:

I've been advised just to get hold of some claim forms.

27-03-05, 01:10 PM
Well, I've just rung the Norwich Union claims department only to find out that they closed today, open tomorrow :roll:

I've been advised just to get hold of some claim forms.

Don't just get the forms, report the accident. It's fairly straight forward, Norwich Union will ask all the relevant questions. The only pain is actually being car less whilst it gets repaired, but most companies provide a courtesy car.

If the guy contests, then you will have to rely on any witnesses (I assume you got the witnesses details?)


27-03-05, 01:15 PM
Almost the exact same thing happened to me in October 04, I had a brand new corsa sxi, This bird changed lanes without indicating & took the whole side of my car apart! & only damaged her wing! Lol-Its still going on! Had my insurance come round to see me a fortnight ago!

Hope I get my excess back soon.....450 quid!

27-03-05, 01:52 PM
you've still not told us who was on the roundabout first?

if you were on the roundabout and hes pulled out from the next junction round and hit the side of you then its totally his fault so what are you worrying about

27-03-05, 02:09 PM
He crossed the line, stopped when he saw me (giving way, so he should), I was clearly going straight over (no indication, left hand lane), I carried on as there was still plenty of room for me to pass, he then went because he thought he could make it, I slammed them on BANG


Although he entered the roundabout about 3 seconds before me, he STOPPED to give way as I was clearly going straight on. Only he then carried on thinking he could make it.

Its a shi**y situation. Ill keep you informed.

BTW - Beacuase of my slightly enraged state after it happened, the witnesses will probably lie and agree with the other bloke because I lost it a bit when both the driver and the witness said you DON'T GIVE WAY TO THE RIGHT

I couldn't believe that :evil:

27-03-05, 02:33 PM
the law on this is a bit funny

you give way to the right yes, but only to traffic ON the roundabout

so if your 10yards away from the line and hes at the line, he has right of way as there is nothing on the roundabout for him to give way to

you might get away with it becuase he hit the side of you, it will look to an insurance assessor that the zaf bloke has simply pulled out without paying attention and drove into the side of you

27-03-05, 03:10 PM
the only thing about making a claim is if the repair cost of the car is going to be more then the value of the car as they could write it off

27-03-05, 03:12 PM
I had a sort of similar accident back in 97. I was waiting to turn right out of a junction, a van coming from the right had his left indicator on, so I assumed he was turning left into the road I was coming out of, turned out that his indicators hadn't self-cancelled when he came off the roundabout further up the road. I started moving out and whack!- hr hit me so hard the car bounced onto the passenger side! Despite proving that his indicator had been faulty I still got done for not giving way at a junction, got fined ?20, the uno and the van were both written off and my insurance company got screwed for all the claims.

The only reason I got fined was because a copper was passing about 5 mins after it all happened, if the bacon wasn't involved in your accident than it will basicly be his/ the witnesses word against yours. If the bab hads been called they would most probably turned to mr zaffy and took him for a little reading of the highway code like they did with me.

27-03-05, 03:50 PM
mikey14sr Wrote:I was waiting to turn right out of a junction, a van coming from the right had his left indicator on, so I assumed he was turning left into the road I was coming out of, turned out that his indicators hadn't self-cancelled when he came off the roundabout further up the road

Now this is why even if they are showing indication(unless they are going very slow) i will most times wait till the person approching has turnd in before i leave the junction..


27-03-05, 04:06 PM
mikey14sr Wrote:I was waiting to turn right out of a junction, a van coming from the right had his left indicator on, so I assumed he was turning left into the road I was coming out of, turned out that his indicators hadn't self-cancelled when he came off the roundabout further up the road

Now this is why even if they are showing indication(unless they are going very slow) i will most times wait till the person approching has turnd in before i leave the junction..


As I have ever since!!!!!

27-03-05, 04:08 PM
Yeah shame you had to learn that way though mate :lol: :wink:

Ah well im sure you will never let it happen again.


27-03-05, 05:06 PM
Just got back from making it 'drivable'

Pushed out the dent in the wing and swapped the ball-joint from a saloon they had down the garage. Bloke down there said the 3 holes in them should all line up. The one that came off my motor was clearly bent. Swapped that for a good one and sorted the tracking out, so now at least it steers!

Will probably end up being a write-off as the damage bill will be more than the car's worth.


27-03-05, 10:01 PM
similar thing happened to me today mate, approaching a give way system, where i have right of way, old man heading towards ot from the other side, so i expect him to give way as he is supposed to, but instead he drives through as i do.

Then find myself heading towards this guy, so had to mount the path and go round him that way. He then got blocked by a car behind me who made him stop so i got out my car and 'explained' i had right of way, and he just took my numberplate and said 'hope you've got a license cos ive got your plate' ??????? WTF is that all about, he can go to the police I had right of way :roll:

Oh by the way - ive got a brand new pair of 5door mk1 front wings up for grabs if you want them..

27-03-05, 11:12 PM
looks like ur the same as me m8! Scared of insurance! :| :| :o

28-03-05, 04:41 AM
looks like ur the same as me m8! Scared of insurance! :| :| :o

coz insurance is a joke.

28-03-05, 07:15 PM
Tell me bout it! The biggest legal con goin!

28-03-05, 11:59 PM
Tell me bout it! The biggest legal con goin!

How can you say this?? ok you have your insurance ok,and then some nobba runs into your car and fcuks your legs up crushes your spine,oh look no more walking for your life!!! but its ok as the guy didnt need to insure his car,its a rip off,so you wont mide if he leves you in a wheelchiar,its ok he saved mony this way...........ok :roll:

29-03-05, 05:42 PM
Tell me bout it! The biggest legal con goin!

How can you say this?? ok you have your insurance ok,and then some nobba runs into your car and fcuks your legs up crushes your spine,oh look no more walking for your life!!! but its ok as the guy didnt need to insure his car,its a rip off,so you wont mide if he leves you in a wheelchiar,its ok he saved mony this way...........ok :roll:

I can say this because all young drivers are looked at the same way! its not fair that i am a good driver and my first car with was a 1.2Nova an i was paying nearly ?2000!!!!! and i was only working part time! And my grandad who has one eye half blind in the other, deaf, no hair and a wonky leg pays about ?200 for his Mustang! lol , im not saying that u shouldnt have insureance i just think thay need to chill out on the premium! :multi:

29-03-05, 06:10 PM
I see what you mean there novadex, but you chose the wrong words to explain things
its not fair that i am a good driver and my first car with was a 1.2Nova That good that you must have had yrs of experience on the open road before you passed your test. I've been driving just over 12 yrs now and still wouldnt say i was a good driver, just abit more experienced.

29-03-05, 06:33 PM
I see what you mean there novadex, but you chose the wrong words to explain things
its not fair that i am a good driver and my first car with was a 1.2Nova That good that you must have had yrs of experience on the open road before you passed your test. I've been driving just over 12 yrs now and still wouldnt say i was a good driver, just abit more experienced.

When i say good driver i mean carfull!!

29-03-05, 07:59 PM
oh my god hope you are ok mate ???? :|

what going to happen :?:

30-03-05, 02:00 PM
no hair

LMFAO :lol:
Whats this got to do with insurance?
Dan have you informed your insurance company of your hair?

03-04-05, 10:31 PM
i was jus trying to set the scene, lol :lol: