View Full Version : FAO People PM'ing Admin regaring Broody

23-03-05, 08:39 AM
As far as "we" are concerned hes not being allowed back for the forseeable future.

please stop asking us (ME sepecially) if he can be let back in.

He seems to have wooed his way into mig by appealing to their lowered social standards therefore he has somewhere to go lol

23-03-05, 08:59 AM
Thanks dad. Your the best! :roll:

23-03-05, 09:49 AM
Who is Broody? What did he do to get kicked off?

Just curious........ :?

23-03-05, 02:34 PM
please stop asking us (ME sepecially) if he can be let back in.

Who would do such stupid things? :roll: the guys a nobba :lol:

23-03-05, 02:42 PM
hasnt he been banned from numberous other accounts before?

23-03-05, 02:44 PM

and about three others

23-03-05, 05:39 PM
Own up, who actually wanted him back?! lol

23-03-05, 05:54 PM
i am too curious as to exactly why he was banned ? i was on holiday for a week and when i came back he was gone...

23-03-05, 06:17 PM
this post was made in direct response to my PM i sent yestarday and tbh is a bit of a joke

yes broody was banned 6 months ago and uptill now i hadnt really bothered with it as he had never seemed too bothered about it himself

i found out last night why he was banned: he went off on one swearing at people etc one night. I'd also found out he'd sent an apologetic email to both dan and ian a little while ago and heard nothing back.

he'd also asked someone else to send the mail to cambridge by pm and the messenger got told to: "stop being a messenger boy" or somthing to that effect by cambridge along with a comment saying the admin would have a discussion and get back to him

hes heard nothing back so after talking to him for a bit i said i'd mail cambridge and ask what the score was, which this post is a response to

all stu/dan/ian wouldve had to do was send broody a mail telling him where he stood and there wouldnt be any more of it, instead they chose to ignore him which is imo quite ignorant as was posting this to a public forum instead of simply pming me back.

imo people make mistakes and giving someone an outright ban for one evenings rant isnt really fair, couldve been drunk/bad day/etc, most other forums would gag or temp ban the user for a period to warn them first

anyway thats all i have to say on the matter


23-03-05, 06:22 PM
it wasnt in direct response to you, but it was the last straw of people being his messenger!

i had an email directly today, a copy and paste of the exact same mail seen many times before!

yes it was one evenings rant but it had been buildigng up to it for quite some time.

and if you notice the site has been a lot nicer sans neil.

i shall reply to him now.

23-03-05, 07:13 PM
Ok the last word on this post.

Fact 1...
It has not been 6 months pmsl


For all those people who have been told this sob story or whatever please click that link and see the last date he posted. Aragorn could you please pm me your evidence for the alleged awful 6 mths?

Fact 2...
The user in question has been banned multiple times, long term and short term for numerous reasons. Heard all the apologies before etc etc and still time after time we keep coming to the same conclusion.

Lets leave it at that shall we.