View Full Version : pic of may car

28-05-02, 07:27 PM
I have designed a pretty shit web site, with my car on it.

I you want to have a look go to


Once I know how to build the site properly I will make it better, with pictures of what the car looks like now.

28-05-02, 11:38 PM
Who could care what a Nova looks like, all Novas are just tarted up shopping cars.

Grow up, get real and get a proper car.

Sad loser.

29-05-02, 09:17 AM
nice rims, good look getting the twenties on lol


ben jones
29-05-02, 07:14 PM
coarse Pronunciation Key (k?rs, krs)
adj. coars?er, coars?est
Of low, common, or inferior quality.

Lacking in delicacy or refinement: coarse manners.
Vulgar or indecent: coarse language.
Consisting of large particles; not fine in texture: coarse sand.
Rough, especially to the touch: a coarse tweed.


course Pronunciation Key (k?rs, krs)

Onward movement in a particular direction; progress: the course of events.
Movement in time; duration: in the course of a year.
The direction of continuing movement: took a northern course.
The route or path taken by something, such as a stream, that moves. See Synonyms at way.
A designated area of land or water on which a race is held: the course of a marathon.
A golf course.
A mode of action or behavior: followed the best course and invested her money.
A typical or natural manner of proceeding or developing; customary passage: a fad that ran its course.
A systematic or orderly succession; a sequence: a course of medical treatments.
A continuous layer of building material, such as brick or tile, on a wall or roof of a building.

A complete body of prescribed studies constituting a curriculum: a four-year course in engineering.
A unit of such a curriculum: took an introductory course in chemistry; passed her calculus course.
A part of a meal served as a unit at one time: The first course was a delicious soup.
Nautical. The lowest sail on a mast of a square-rigged ship.
A point on the compass, especially the one toward which a vehicle, such as a ship, is moving.

Hope it helps.

29-05-02, 08:33 PM
how much did it cost to get ur arches modded to fit 18s, nice wheels, it will look the bollocks on 20s if u can do it

31-05-02, 08:36 PM
Cheers for the vote of confidence all. Not quite sure wot BenJ on a bout though.

Sent me2 a rather abusive email. Still waitin for a reply off the little tw^t.

The arches are costing about ?400 including the vents. (The picture is with standard arches just rolled)

31-05-02, 09:55 PM
car looks sweet :D See your rear wrap spoiler - is it sprayer to match car? If so, did u use ne kind of flexi additive to the paint so it wouldnt drack. if so, whats it called?


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotamy!

02-06-02, 05:10 PM
No its the standard Gte spoiler that comes colour coded as standard