View Full Version : The joys of scotland!

25-05-02, 01:57 PM
I work for a major phone company who sponsor the england team. They have a call centre inscotland (where I live) and like to show their appreciation of the sponsorship by supplyiong all sites (including ours in scotland) with massive fuck off huge posters of beckham and owen scoring a goal and celebrating. The classic thing is my site HATES england with a passion - to the point where they have defaced the poster in our reception (main area of the site), by drawing glasses and beard on owen and a huge knob of beckhams head! How the person who did it got away with it I dunno (we have cameras everywhere) but they did. Being english, I took it upon myself (duty) to remove the poster. Fancy sending an english poster to a scottish call centre - talk about taunting trouble! Was funny though if a little tasteless.

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotamy!

25-05-02, 02:28 PM
well u gotta expect such antics by us scots :D

25-05-02, 03:10 PM
order some more, so they can do it again :D

Anyone seen the new Tennents Lager campaign which they have or are considering banning

Novaload Admin
25-05-02, 03:25 PM
antics??? u mean being bitter and jealous cos u suck at football? and everything else.

25-05-02, 03:58 PM
Scotland = Wa**kers, say no more!! hehehe

25-05-02, 06:22 PM
william wallace rules

Novaload Admin
26-05-02, 06:51 PM
rob u missed out tight and skinflints :p

26-05-02, 08:38 PM
lmao @ willian wallace, prehistoric neanderthal in a skirt, great role model that :P

Bends were made to rule and rules were made to bend

Damian Coull
27-05-02, 10:08 AM
Deon't be so sterotypical. Not all scottish people are the same. You could start saying that all English people are stupid, soft bastards who live on past victories and think there better than everyone else !

I'm part Scottish and my girlfriend is Scottish and we are not W$nkers, tight or Skinflints.

Some Scottich people are, yes and all the good for nothing Neds are. But don't put everyone from one country into one category.

By the way, it should have been Hesky being defaced on that poster for being the worst player to pull on an England shirt.