View Full Version : How to.....

17-03-05, 01:36 PM
as per my post last night,i am thinking of re-doing my gsi alloys (3 spoke) in white for a rally look, - but

i have NO idea whatsoever how to do this!! :lol: i presume that it will be cheaper for me to do myself right? rather than have profesionals do it, well say i want to do it myself can anyone who has done it before advise me what i need and how to do it??? :oops:

thanks guys


17-03-05, 02:34 PM
make sure they are really clean, then rub them down with some fine sand paper or wet and dry, then go over them with some grey scotch bright, prime and paint. The finish is all about the prep work


19-03-05, 12:58 AM
if you can be arsed I posted a HUGE how to on wheel refurbishment about 10 months ago. It was HUGE and went into detail - tewlling you how to sand back to base, what paint to use and how to mask up (I found the bin bag approach works well).

I aint posting it again but its in the back posts somewhere...

Shame the search engine on NL werent working...


TBH its easy - like spraying a panel - just take yer time, make sure its smooth - dont use filler (if scuffed badly get them professionally repaired), use good quality materials (if taking to bare alloy use suitable primer) and put on about 3 layers of paint followed by at least 3-5 layers of lacquer. Allow plenty of drying time.


19-03-05, 07:39 PM
thanks a lot good advice cheers :wink:

19-03-05, 10:08 PM
use high build primer and smooth it with 600 wet and dry. Use acyrlic putty for dents and cracks (stay away from fillers) On your final coat i always give it a bad mutha thick coat, quiting just before it runs so it gives it a really good gloss, same goes for lacquer. Polish with G3 compound at least 3 days later when the paint is very hard, doing it to early after spraying takes alot of paint off and its not near as shiny finish. I use masking tape and newspaper instead of bin bags, the differnt paints like primers, colour coat and lacquer fall off the bags easily as its to flexabile and fall into your newly wet paint. good luck