View Full Version : my website

17-03-05, 12:20 AM
after loads of messing around i've got my website started.
it's not finished yet, far from it actually, but the basics are there. i am quite pleased with my self since i have never attempted thissort of stuff before.

i know i need links from the picture pages back to the mainpage, and i need to put extra menus in to link to the other stuff on my site.

any advice or criticism appreciated


17-03-05, 12:36 AM
lots of kool pics but wheres ya vids??

Ste L
17-03-05, 01:35 AM
looks good fella, keep up the good work

17-03-05, 02:32 AM
looks ace mate nice 1 maybe novaload should have a redesign

17-03-05, 07:38 AM
lookd great so far benji

17-03-05, 07:53 AM
lots of kool pics but wheres ya vids??

like i said, it's only a start. the vid's will be in there eventually

17-03-05, 10:08 AM
Looks good mate a bit basic, but it makes it easier to get round the pages. :+:

General Baxter
17-03-05, 10:14 AM
maybe novaload should have a redesign

ha NO :lol:

17-03-05, 10:18 AM
Na u dont want to change novaload i finally know how to work it. :lol:

17-03-05, 10:30 AM
Not bad at all mate,gald to see the baner has lot its sausage :lol: :wink:

If you want more pics for the december one im sure chris took quite a few,and ask karl this weekend,as andy b was taking pics..

And a bit longer mate next time then you might get some sliks :wink: :P


17-03-05, 05:33 PM
any longer and they would of burst. my mate kurt was following me in a fiesta and he could see sparks coming off the tyres :D and the fiesta still couldn't catch me

17-03-05, 05:43 PM
looks good mate keep us updated :lol:

17-03-05, 06:00 PM
looking great mate. :D

17-03-05, 06:11 PM
The pic on the front page is amazing mate! Love it!


17-03-05, 07:43 PM
Looking good :) I'm in the process of building a website for myself too, just somwhere to show my car off & link to some other great websites I frequently visit ! I'm just about to close a website I created for one of my old hobbies, I no longer have the time to do it anymore.

here's the link, it's going to be a similar layout to my old one


18-03-05, 02:43 AM
any longer and they would of burst. my mate kurt was following me in a fiesta and he could see sparks coming off the tyres :D and the fiesta still couldn't catch me

:wink: just thought i would pull your leg again, :lol: nice one mate.. scott