View Full Version : is it the head gasket??

13-03-05, 10:15 PM
right took the car to the garage the other day to get some stuff sorted and he said the head gasket is on its way out.
at the minute it feels realy under power in high reav and it has a small amount of white smoke from the exhaust. are they symptoms from the head gasket?

cheers, si

13-03-05, 10:22 PM
Have a look under the oil cap and see if theres any white stuff there, a sign of water mixing with oil.
Also look in the cooland bottle and looks for signs of oil.
But white smoke out of the exhaust is a sign, a sign that water is getting into the combustion chambers.

14-03-05, 09:01 AM
alright i'll check that.

but what about the lack of power at high'ish revs. is that from the gasket too?


14-03-05, 09:12 AM
under load white smoke can be piston rings.

get a comperssion test done, and maybe have the chemical thing done where it detects exhaust gasses in the coolant.

check to see if the coolannt hoses are "hard"/expanded as this is a sign the head gasket is gone too.

14-03-05, 09:39 AM
its true about the pipes goin solid but also rev ur car and look in ur radiator water and see if it bubles while reving it somtimes u see little bubbles.

14-03-05, 05:54 PM
right went out and rev'd it will me bro looked for bubbles and no, nothing and the pips are still soft.
the mechanic said it was on its way out so i'll just keep checking the pipes,

but i still dont no whether that'll cause the lack of power, what you all recon?

cheers, si

14-03-05, 07:31 PM
Top her up with good oil, try giving the carb a wee clean and take a look at the plugs. there may be a bit of oil on them. If so, rub them with a bit of emry paper or if necessary replace them.

15-03-05, 12:08 AM
Si it might need some engine de-carber running through it coz it was sat on my drive for 2 months and i started it a few times without it moving.