View Full Version : FROM K&N BACK TO STANDARD.......

13-03-05, 09:33 PM
The two hoses you remove from the bottom of the original air box when you put a K&N on consists of a large bore and a small bore pipe. According to the K&N instructions, you block off the small bore pipe and just allow the big bore pipe to breath. Thats all fine.....


When you change back to standard, is it alright to leave these pipes how they were when the K&N was in?

My 1300 has been running fine since I changed back to standard WITH the small bore still blocked off and the big bore just hanging. Is it better to reconnect them to the airbox? Is it not worth it? Does the car run better (than it already does) with them attached?

Cheers 8)

14-03-05, 10:24 AM
Its up to you, you don't have to re-connect them. If you don't though make sure that you block off the holes you will be leaving on the standard air filter casing or your car will be sucking in unfiltered air through them.

14-03-05, 11:25 AM
Its up to you, you don't have to re-connect them. If you don't though make sure that you block off the holes you will be leaving on the standard air filter casing or your car will be sucking in unfiltered air through them.

S**T, cheers for that :wink:

14-03-05, 06:09 PM
well if it helps i don't even have a Small hose.

i have just a big breather.

15-03-05, 11:44 AM
When I took off the filter and had a feel of where the two pipes enter last night, the two tubes just seem to end in a little chamber inside the frying-pan. Basically, I couldnt see any opening to the filter which leads me believe that its not ACTUALLY sucking unfiltered air from the two pipes (small bore and large bore).

What I did do though was connect back up the oil breather pipe (large bore) and blocked off the small bore inlet. It seems to have effected my bottom end though........?

I might jus have it back how it was after nicks comments.......

Cheers 8)

15-03-05, 11:47 AM
^^^^^^^^ I meant top end :D

15-03-05, 06:17 PM
connect whatever was connected before hand, back up

it's not rocket science.