View Full Version : F.A.O Scottish People

Damian Coull
14-05-02, 12:01 PM
On the 3rd June I will be going to Scotland for a wedding. I'll be in Dumbarton for a week staying with my girlfriends parents. I was going to fly up again but I thought for a change i'll drive up.

Just wonderin if any of you lot live near Dumbarton or if you know off any cruises during the week 3rd to 10th june ?

14-05-02, 01:22 PM
I live in Glasgow - bout 45 mins from Dumbarton. Dunno of any cruises unless u fancy joining the asian posse at the foot of our stairs - need a bmw or merc for that though, sure your car would certainly piss all over em though! ;)

Mine will be off the road then (hopefully) getting stripped down ready for project nova rebuild...website of my antics to follow


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotamy!

14-05-02, 02:30 PM
cool i get something sorted out

14-05-02, 03:57 PM
daim you havent been going out that long !
are you sure about marriage ?
and surely you wouldnt want to go to a cruise on your honeymoon !

If it isn't kev it isn't worth it !!!

Damian Coull
14-05-02, 04:56 PM
LMAO @ Davidp cheeky git !!

Not my wedding, my birds cousins !! do you think I would arrange my wedding while the world cup is on !!!!

15-05-02, 09:42 AM
LOL quality reply Damian, "do you think I would arrange my wedding while the world cup is on !!!!"

You said your gonna drive?!?!? Don't you live in the south of England? Good Luck mate, be careful, it's one long journey!

Damian Coull
15-05-02, 09:51 AM
yeah I live just outside London. My journey to Belgium with PNG last weekend was a kind of test run. its actually only 400 miles to glasgow from slough. not too bad as long as I don't hit traffic

15-05-02, 10:27 PM
When I go to me folks if stafford it's 280 - manager it in 3 and a bit hours - me 1.2 can shift when she wants too. Watch out for the "10 mile run" between Manchester and Kendal - theres more speed cameras in that stretch of motorway than anywhere else! Hidden under flyovers n concealed behind signs - they even spray the lines on the roads but dont have cameras there - coming up if worse than going back down. Loads of Burger Kings although once north of the border theres only 1 so if yer into junk food stuff up before you enter bonnie scotland!

15-05-02, 10:28 PM
and I know the bit between Madchester n Kendal is more un 10 miles (before anyone comments) - but I cant remember which junctions it is!

19-05-02, 11:18 PM
i live in lancaster which is like just after manc and just before kendal whe youre going up M6, heres the beef my good man: (gets map to check junction numbers)

going northbound on M6, after u pass junction 33 (after forton services, the 'lancaster south' turnoff) and there are no cameras until past 35 about halfway to 36.

we do our speedtesting on this stretch, get past 33 and put your toe to the carpet, theres a loooong stretch to climb up and then its REALLY steep down into a hill with 34 at the bottom, and then really steep up, its like youre taking au rouge at spa when youre doing an indicated 125mph!

now climb up the hill to the right, use the speed youve gained to keep up momentum.... and climb.... and climb.... and level... and DOWN AGAIN SHIIIT theres a tricky right when u get near the bottom of this one, take it and then its straightish, past j35 (canrforth) and then start to chill as u get to camera infested areas again a few miles after that :)

when u bomb at j33 u can pass 34 and then 35 in about 4 minutes its extreme as, i love it

hold onto your wheel and good look, its REALLY steep going down past 34


Hi officer.
She said she was 16!

19-05-02, 11:26 PM
i need to re iterate the importance of not dying when ur going down past 34

when u start the descent u go down and then its off camber to the right, REALLY steep and then its left and the gradient gets steeper, fucking watch out if youre gonna go for it its mental!

Hi officer.
She said she was 16!