View Full Version : Clutch Problems??

11-03-05, 08:36 AM
I have a K Reg Nova 1.2, which has done about 80k miles. Its in quite good nic, but I get the feeling that my clutch is going to go.

Sometimes when driving out of 1st gear it is quite juddery (its ok the rest of the time), and recently when I let the clutch pedal up it makes a squeky kind of sound.

I was wondering if anyone knows if this is the beginning of the end of my clutch or whether it is minor problems that I could fix easily myself? Plus how much work/money is getting a new clutch system put in place if it eventually does go?


11-03-05, 09:37 AM
the squeek is the clutch pedal pivot bush or the cable

it becoming snaggy could also point at the cable

to see if the clutch is worn put it into top gear at about 30mph and floor it

if the car just sloowly accellerates its fine, if the engine revs up more than the car is actually accellerating then the clutch is dead

prolly just need either a new cable or some grease on the pivot