View Full Version : will i lose them?? (don't look if squeemish)

10-03-05, 11:26 PM
i trapped my fingers between my wheel and brake caliper tonight. it hurt like hell and looks like i'm gonna lose the nails what you all think?



10-03-05, 11:27 PM
i've dremmeled the black nail now, it pissed blood out everywhere but it feels better now

10-03-05, 11:30 PM
what you dremmeled it to release the blood??

10-03-05, 11:30 PM
the bleeding one will probably not as the pressure has been relieved (hence the bleeding) the black nail will need to be punctured to save it. get a 1mm drill or smaller and hold your finger on the bed of a pillar drill. then just drill a whole in the middle of the nail. sounds harsh but it works and will save the nail. the skin under the nail will be far enough away from the nail as the black is blod trapped pushing the nail. its also amusing watching the whole grow out of the nail lol

10-03-05, 11:30 PM
i want pics of the drilled nail.

as i have already said.
you should be ok now.
pressure has gone as you drilled it.

10-03-05, 11:44 PM
ooooo u fooker I can look at anything painful except nails!!!!

gimme eyes hanging out heads hanging off etc don't bother me

Nails are just too pain ful!!!!

11-03-05, 12:12 AM
Harsh thats a gooden mate. I don't think i could hold a drill steady enough to drill through my own nail.

11-03-05, 12:18 AM
ouch tht looks nasty mate

11-03-05, 12:19 AM
How the fook did you trap your had between the wheel and caliper?? :?

Well good job you released the blod from the middle one or els it would have some off mate,dont know if you remeber mike,my mate who was at donnington and MK meet,he lost his middle one from it getting crushed,he left the blod in there though.

As sean said i want pics of it drilled :twisted: :lol:


11-03-05, 02:08 AM
no pain no game!!!

11-03-05, 07:20 AM
it's the blackone i drilled, and it let loads of blood out, i'll get some pics later

11-03-05, 07:44 AM
ok that looks painfull, must have killed drilling it

11-03-05, 08:45 AM
I dont' thnk you'll loose either.

But there's no vote for that!!

Like scott said how?? I cna't work it out??

11-03-05, 09:21 AM
That nasty as fook mate!

I dropped a weight on my finger at the gym about 4 months ago. Its been black and swollen since and has only just stated to fall off as the new one has been growing underneath. Its only half off at the moment though, and my recent past-time has been picking the dried blood out with a compass. Does the trick though!


11-03-05, 06:02 PM
did this at christmas, shut those 2 fingers in a taxi door when pissed, didnt relieve the pressure and now the half grown new ones are all mangled!! picking the blood was fun tho.....lol

11-03-05, 06:44 PM
Thanks for sharing that Benji


11-03-05, 06:48 PM
no problem mate, anytime :wink:

11-03-05, 06:57 PM
i did that a few times ben but mine was at work

first time i was putting up a length of capping i missed the clout nail and belted my index finger
needless to say the hammer was thrown across the room

second time was putting up girder clips for some armoured cable
some how caught my thumb in betwen it whilst hitting it with a hammer
once again the hammer was thrown lol
i too popped the one on my thumb only thing was it wouldnt stop bleeding

13-03-05, 07:42 PM

I trapped my finger when I was younger in my dad's car..in a hospital car park LOL..It hurt like fook, and I left it as it was..eventually, the new nail underneath grew and the old one came off in sections..

Yours looks iccy though :?