View Full Version : where can i get a big set of scales?

08-03-05, 11:20 PM
i want to get my coilovers set up properly. anyone know where i can get this done? i'm in derby so the nearer the better, but i don't mind travelling if it's worth it



08-03-05, 11:31 PM
Soz to kind of come off the subject but how much did you pay for your coilovers?

08-03-05, 11:44 PM
do you mean corner weight scales or do you just wanna know that weight of your car

08-03-05, 11:47 PM
when you say scales ben , what exactly do you mean , like a weighbridge or sumthing

09-03-05, 08:00 AM
he means corner weight scales to get the ride height set accurately with laod in the car (eg himself and fuel)

im not sure where to go for it, but you can get the scales from tweeks, and im sure once you have aset you can "loan" them out at cost to others for setting up their cars too.

worth thiking about to get a "free" set of scales lol

09-03-05, 09:37 AM
CP has a crude set for corner weights. Quite easy to set.


09-03-05, 04:57 PM
CP has a crude set for corner weights. Quite easy to set.


does he?? i might have to make another trip down to him. what has he got? somthing bodged or a proper set?

don't anyone read the post? do you all read the title and reply?

stu, the ones in tweeks cost a fortune. start at aroud?700 + vat

my coilovers were ?500

09-03-05, 05:08 PM
For a big set of scales try your local dump....

My local dump/tip, whatever you wana call it, have a hoooooooge set of scales... ?

09-03-05, 05:14 PM
another one who didn't read the post :roll:

09-03-05, 05:19 PM
sry mate,

where can i get a big set of scales?

Presumed if you could get the overall weight and make a note of it, you may be able to work out the suspension/ride weight etc.

09-03-05, 06:54 PM
My mate got scales in Holland, dunno know what for (AHEM!!), reckons they are the proper job like. Might not be ideal but bare it in mind though...

10-03-05, 11:06 AM
The ones that CP has are meant for the job, but are not a set of scales. You have a leaver that sits on the ground and pushes up on your wheel rim. Push down on the leaver to lift the wheel from the ground and the gauge measures the force required. Do it several times and take a mean. Do it for each wheel and you'll know the corner weights. Best to use percentage. Then adjust by winding the spring platform up or down.


10-03-05, 04:47 PM
i'll have to speak to him about arranging a visit