View Full Version : York dragway (competition)

david dixon
25-02-05, 07:32 PM
Right how many people would be up for entering if i got a novaload group into the york dragway competition?
this means anyone from this site would be able to come down and run in that group and the more you attend the more chance you have of taking the nitrous home with you at the end of the season! not only that but you could be up against each other and the other cars that enter into the groups!

I need to know how many are interested before i go asking them to enter us in as a group! :D

25-02-05, 07:36 PM
do you have to attend all of them or can you go to a few, if so i woud come, need to get to some at york this year.

david dixon
25-02-05, 07:44 PM
No you wouldn't have to attend all of them, just whenever you can. but the more the better i say! :D

25-02-05, 09:41 PM
what kinda off costs are we looking at?

david dixon
25-02-05, 10:38 PM
well as far as i know the prices are the same as last year.
Its around ?10 in to the place and ?15 to run but thats as many runs as you can get, and if you get there early you could get upto 15 runs as i have in the past!

26-02-05, 12:53 AM
yeah it would be good david, I looked into it last year and IIRC you need at least 15 cars to have your own group, and I dont think the times count towards the nitrous, I think that is just when you enter the super street shootout. But yeah I'd be up for it as it gets a little boring running in class C all the time lol

If you want a hand with any of the organising just give me a shout


Chris S
26-02-05, 09:18 AM
yep, i'd be well up for it. 8)
i was once first on the strip and last to leave, got 22 runs in 1 day

david dixon
26-02-05, 10:28 AM
yep, i'd be well up for it. 8)
i was once first on the strip and last to leave, got 22 runs in 1 day

Thats some amount of runs you got there mate!

Chris16v, the reaction times are what count for the nitrous kits, iv won it the last 2 years running! you just need to have the best average reactions. thats running in the inter-club shootout (modders shootout). :D

26-02-05, 11:19 AM
sounds daft, but where is york raceway? I'm guessing york, but whats the nearest town (need to check AAroute planner).

If it is york then 400miles is a bit to far for me lol.

david dixon
26-02-05, 11:21 AM
melbourne, think thats spelt right, york raceway might show on te aa map!

26-02-05, 11:21 AM
It is melbourne, East Riding Of Yorkshire, If people are coming a long way then I'm sure I can find a place for them to stop cheap :wink:


26-02-05, 05:47 PM
that is close to you chris.
i shall get it sorted.