View Full Version : marquee

General Baxter
23-02-05, 07:48 PM
iv looked on ebay and google but no use

im looking to buy a marquee to go over my car, as im fed up of getting wet!

im looking around 5m long x 3m wide, and around ?100, theres some on ebay 6x3m but that wont fit on my drive

help me out please, must have sides :wink:

23-02-05, 07:54 PM
are you fed up of getting your car wet ?

or fed up of getting wet whilst working on the car ?

if it was the first one, i should not even had taken the effort to reply.

but if it's the second, then i really don't have a clue, you could make one ?

General Baxter
23-02-05, 07:55 PM
number 2 :wink:

23-02-05, 07:59 PM
Tie together a few of them tarpuline(sp) covers, they are pretty big.
And do you know the best thing about them?

THe price :wink: :D

General Baxter
23-02-05, 08:01 PM
but that means frame work, and its bound to leak

+ my new paint dont like snow :wink:

23-02-05, 08:03 PM
aquire some heavy dut fence posts, and the brackets for the bottom.

as a temp solution you could drill some big screws through the bracket/pole holders into your drive, and fill them in once u take it down

Then sow or tie an arrangment of Tarpolean covers to create a roof, and sides, eve a door ?

who cares if it leaks along the joins down the corners, because it wont get u wet. if you make the roof out of 1 peice, i can't see a problem really.

23-02-05, 08:27 PM
the summers coming up so your standard garden centre will do them. B&Q (the big warehouse place ones) had a fairly big one out last year by me for about ?150.

Had some frills on it though


I'm sure theres someone on here that can get them - speak to cambridge coz we were discussing this ages ago - trying to get a similar sized thing for shows like trax etc...


23-02-05, 09:08 PM
fcuking drag me into this lol

get some angle iron and weld/bolt one up and then get something like a parachute of massive sheet of tent canvas from an army+navy govt stores etc.

job done.

General Baxter
23-02-05, 09:11 PM
i want it too look nice/good not a baxter bodged job ;)

23-02-05, 09:24 PM
to be fair its not gonna look nice even if you get a proper one lol

is it windy round your way? as it will be hammerd big time unless you spend some serious dosh on it.

build a car port?

23-02-05, 09:38 PM
I think it is a gazebo that you are after, and yes try your local gardens centres, or as camb said, build a car port, that shouldnt cost much more than ?100, and its somewhere to put up lights at christmas


23-02-05, 09:43 PM
i agree with the car port thingy, platic roof stuff wood and some ronsil quick drying wood stain 8)

24-02-05, 12:42 AM
once again i help you out baxter

argos, 6m x 3m party gazebo, item number 650/1479, ?79.99


so you can even order online

24-02-05, 05:51 PM
argos, 6m x 3m party gazebo, item number 650/1479, ?79.99


We've got one of those, the first time we set it up we were awoken the following morning to find it propped upside down on next doors fence! The wind had pulled all the pegs out and if it wasn?t tied to the fence it would have blown away lol

It should be plenty big enough for a nova but there wouldn?t be much room around the sides. It would be rubbish as a "permanent fixture" on your drive I reckon, they make one hell of a rustling sound when there?s even a slight breeze.

Good for BBQ's though!!

24-02-05, 06:17 PM
hmmm that looks familiar

24-02-05, 06:28 PM
sure that's safe having a BBQ next to a load of plastic ?

24-02-05, 06:30 PM
Nope, but you can stick it outside when you light it up :wink: