View Full Version : help needed quickly please guys

21-02-05, 10:39 PM
rite long story but here goes:

when i press my brakes the brake lights brake up as normal but the fog light goes on 2. the side indicaters stay on all the time and i carnt indicate and my subs cut out when i brake. i think this is an earth problem. am i right?

also the fuel gauge isnt showing up prop so thts the sender gone prob. its showing just not the right amount could this be an earht or fuse?

thnks lads

21-02-05, 10:42 PM
thats a bad earth mate take the rear clusters out and clean the terminals where the wires plug into ,does it look like blackpool lights when it happens lol :)

21-02-05, 10:46 PM
it does look quite good. so on the part with the bulbs ive gotta take tht out and clean them is tht rite. is there out else. are the side repeaters wired to the back 2?

21-02-05, 10:49 PM
its usaully where the plug clips onto the rear lights it go's corrosive in the plug but while the clusters are out its worth taking the bulbs out and cleaning all the contacts plus take the side repeater bulbs out an check em

21-02-05, 10:51 PM
k so ur pretty sure thts wht it is
thnks alot mate uve bin very helpful. :)
dint think n e one wud be replyin to this till tomoz

21-02-05, 10:56 PM
pretty sure mate see it all the time at work

21-02-05, 10:58 PM
k thnks again great help chap :)

22-02-05, 10:44 AM
also make sure your brake bulbs arent blown

they can blow and short the ground line to 12v when u apply brakes (same thing happens if u fit single filament bulb)

22-02-05, 10:51 AM
yer i know alot of things go wrong with my lights best one was when my brake light went one of em anyway and if u pressed the brake then cut the engine off it wud stay on untill u release brake. :lol: