View Full Version : Front wings

20-02-05, 12:40 AM
How much should i pay for a set of brand new front arches off of some1?

he basically bought them and now he doesnt need them...

5_door owner
20-02-05, 01:04 AM
are they gm parts??? if so i have no idea how much they are from vaux themselves so couldnt say, but if they are pattern parts i'd say between ?25-40 depending on scratches and if they've been painted ect...

20-02-05, 05:31 AM
get em from sel impieral

20-02-05, 09:33 AM
Im pretty sure they are GM parts, they are un-painted...

any ideas?

20-02-05, 09:49 AM
gm parts are usually expensive, i bought 2 brand new pattern wings 60quid for both and they fit really well aswell

20-02-05, 09:50 AM
yea fit dead good:@ better than my fuckers :(

20-02-05, 10:23 AM
get em from sel impieral

mine dont fit. If they are GM panels and are in excellent nick, unpainted etc I'd give 60-70 for them


20-02-05, 02:02 PM
Sel imperial are a sh1te fit. Genuine Gm is the way to go, there about ?70 each brand new.

20-02-05, 02:13 PM
i do belive the pair that CP got the the nova im working on were from SEL

they fit fine. only problem was the bent valance on the car lol. so it wasnt SEL's fault

20-02-05, 02:36 PM
Have you looked at the panel gap between the door/wing and the line down the car..?

Oh and where the hole lines up on the bottom.. lol

Maybe mine were just pants..

20-02-05, 02:45 PM
they seemed to line up ok.

maybe they do "good batches" lol

20-02-05, 02:54 PM
I had Sels' on mine and they were bang on - I used to work in a shop where Sel was the supplier and tbh you're rolling the dice; some sets are bang on others are terrible. Your choice.

20-02-05, 03:50 PM
were spot on for mine.
one arrived with a dink in it so bobyshop got onto them and they replaced it
can't complain