View Full Version : Electric Windows

19-02-05, 08:44 PM
I have manual windows on my nova, Is it hard to do a swap to electric windows? What do i need?? Any how much am i looking at??

19-02-05, 09:25 PM
no it's reletivly easy

there are hundreds of post in technical about Electric windows, so look for some

You need a loom, switches and motors, obtainable in kits from people breaking cars (frequent) or from a scrappy

will cost you anything from ?10-50

20-02-05, 11:20 AM
ive just baught a kit from micro scan and it looks dead easy to fit. will tell you how easy it is when i next get a dry day.

but couldnt imagine it taking over an hour. but thats from a new kit. couldnt tell you bout any other. kit cost ?100, but has a garantee which i always like.