View Full Version : Police Harrassment!!

03-04-02, 12:51 PM
My nova is the only car i drive, so i use it to go to work, and so on. but lately i have been stopped by the police 8 times in 3 months. The only modifications on the nova are wolfrace alloy wheels, kenwood stero etc, and novadose side skirts... i haven't even got around to fitting a loud exhaust yet. so its not like its even anything special (yet!!!). i'm only 18 years old. any idea's what i should do... i'm always late getting to work and its one thing i could do without.. matt. x-(

03-04-02, 12:58 PM
phone the old bill (local) thats a joke mate.
no-one needs that sorta shit.
explain your pissed off with it and its totally uncalled for.
they obv hate car nuts or don't like the loox of u, either way its unfair.

Vauxhall Nova - Defined in Spain

Bring On The SR-
*WaTcH tHiS sPaCe* :D


03-04-02, 01:44 PM
take the bizzies number everytime and if you get stopped by the same ones all the time then you can do em for harrassment. Otherwise just say thank you **** stubble as you drive off.

or you could get one of those born again christian signs in the back of your car. you know that fish thing...bet you dont get pulled with that on!!

Damian Coull
03-04-02, 03:02 PM
yes, take the number on the officers badge. you have every right to take it down, and make a point of saying please wait while I write it down. If the same officer stops you again and again, then report him.

8 times in 3 months isn't alot, I once got stopped 3 times in one night !!

It will make the office a bit more wary of what he asks you and what he cjhecks on your vehicle if you start by saying please can I have your police badge number.

Oh, by the way, an office that stops you has to be displaying a badge number on their shirt / jacket. if they are not they have no authority to stop you. So if you start looking for his badge number and he isn't wearing it he will let you go anyway because he knows he has to wear it.

03-04-02, 05:24 PM
i used to love getting stopped on the way to work.... getting out of a muddy modded nova with a suit and tie on :D the police soon back down

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D
special rates for girls!!

03-04-02, 07:12 PM
yeah i'll start writing down the badge number.. cheers people. any idea's of any excuses if you get pulled for speeding or anything?? ;)

03-04-02, 07:17 PM
tell them your an epelectic and you had to drive fast to loose the flashing blue lights in your mirror :D


03-04-02, 08:39 PM
or just grow up and accept that the police like to keep tabs on young drivers to make sure they are not pissin about

Im a Corporate tart :D

04-04-02, 11:06 AM
fact is if u get cocky with them they get very cocky with u (well ive found) and asking 4 badge numbers could land u up in more trouble! agreed with cambridge and if theres nothing wrong with ya motor or driving wots a problem ???

04-04-02, 11:41 AM
funny that been driving for a year and not been pulled over once


04-04-02, 12:05 PM
Wot are their reasons for pulling you?
Waot you driving on(B roads, m/way)?
r u speeding?
Not worth the hastle arguing with them - just set off to work earlier.
Keep a note of the patrol cars reg number and number on it and time they pulled you. Build up a dossier and then speak to a solicitor or citizens advice bureau. If they are pulling you for "routine check" or to ask if the car is yours etc they can do this but its also harrassment if persistent.
Is it the same coppa?
Wot abot changing your route to work - may help.
Failing that - turn your stereo down. or better still when they approach you, stick on classic fm!
Police have sensitive ears you know.


oh now, that is interesting!

04-04-02, 01:32 PM
cool, no i drive on mostly back roads. i don't drive excessivly... well not too fast!

coppa's just want my ass... cuz im young (18) and have a good looking car. i'm still on R/P plates.

04-04-02, 01:36 PM
p plates ?? new driver plates? do you have to have them now ?

04-04-02, 03:34 PM
i live on the isle of man, so they are R plates here. but yeah recently passeed last sept... the legal age to drive on the isle of man is 16... wkd or what hey!

04-04-02, 03:37 PM
If the police are being a pain like that - and you want to do something about it... like ade said...
Build up a portfolio of information such as dates, times and locations where you were stopped. Make a note of the cars reg number and the number on it if you can. If possible take the officers badge number too - should be clearly on display on their shoulders.
You dont have to make a big thing about this, just say you get stopped quite alot and you are now keeping a record of each stop in case anything ever comes of it... they can't charge you with caution can they.

04-04-02, 06:13 PM
once in 4 years :D and that was 1 month ago lol

Im a Corporate tart :D

04-04-02, 06:29 PM
get talking 2 em there not all evil and can b useful :D

05-04-02, 09:56 AM
v1nce has a point - if you were to talk to em for a few minutes everytime they stopped you - make light of it and have a laugh - AND if ever it gets nicked or something they will notice it and follow it to stop you - and it wont be you. busted!! haha

05-04-02, 01:23 PM
never thought of it like tht, cheers. so basically if i get on with them...not be cocky then they might stop pulling me. cool

05-04-02, 04:37 PM
exactly... and then if ever it's spotted being driven by someone who is not you - it will be stopped you see...