View Full Version : Dates for the PVG Nurburgring trip

karl Rowntree
12-02-05, 11:24 PM
Right, the Ring calender has been released early so a date has been decided on for the PVG trip. I know a few of you are making your own journeys over some on you on different dates, but this will be when the majority are going over mainly in convoy.

The leaving date will be friday 13th of May! :twisted: Guess we will be having an easy journey, dont want to temp fate on the 13th lol. We will be travelling straight from calais to the ring which is about a 5 hour journey from what i remember. Staying at the ring until tuesday, though its up to you how you plan your trip returning whenever you want.

I personally will be travelling down to Geneva and then on to the alps for some lairy driving :wink:

Cost for the ferry is approx ?110 per car then its your petrol and spending money on top, and you can book your hotel when you arrive (there are allways plenty of places to stay and its very cheap)

So there you have it. all i am waiting on is what time ferry we will be departing on togeather and then we can all get booked up.

List your name then if you are a definate, no maybe's. Want to get an idea of numbers.


13-02-05, 12:06 PM
Just checked the price of a ferry for my usual route Hull to rotterdam, ?310!!! :o

13-02-05, 12:30 PM
Karl, I'll let you know by tuesday.


karl Rowntree
13-02-05, 12:52 PM
Geordie it would be cheaper to drive down to dover! I know its along way for you mate, but if you wanted to drive down to Birmingham and stay at mine the night then onto dover from mine you can. Will brake the journey up and i can show you the sights of brum :lol:

Wouldnt pay ?310 to be honest. Did you know we are planning to go straight to the ring, no show this year.

As for you Keith, your going no ifs or buts! :wink: Again, if you want to drive over to mine before hand you can mate as you are going to have a fair treck ahead of you.

Trust me its worth all the effort! you will go back year after year.


13-02-05, 12:55 PM
Just getting some finance's sorted Karl, The car's pretty much ready so i'm 99% there ;)


karl Rowntree
13-02-05, 01:09 PM
Nice one mate :wink:

It wont be as expensive as you may first think, especially if you get a friend to share the cost. The only real cost is the fuel, and thats cheaper than over here. If you buy yourself some tabaco in belgium, it can easily pay for your trip! Not that i did that though :wink:

Think it cost me about ?700 last year, but that was everything for 2 people. I think you could do it for about ?500 probably less as its so damn cheap in Germany


Adam Moran
13-02-05, 01:39 PM
Count me in Karl ;-)

Been waiting for this ever since you got back last year!

Cant wait!!!!


13-02-05, 05:09 PM

Im already there....... :twisted:

But it will be in a Calibra and not a Nova :cry:

karl Rowntree
13-02-05, 05:22 PM
Nice one Adam, will you be doing the run in mileage on the way to the ring? :lol: Cant wait to hear your new engine screeming, hopefully in my rear view mirror :wink:

Neil, is it really not looking good for may then mate? You know if its just time i can spare allot of my free time to help you get on the road. Oh well if not mate, i dont think it really matters what you go in to Germany we will still have an amazing time. I think it was the location and the people that made it for me last time, all the cars did was get us there.


13-02-05, 06:13 PM
Im gong just got to decide what route to take, I think I will be ab;le to get that ?310 down to around ?200 Will have to check finance aswell. Ive booked up for le-mans in june so money may be tight.

karl Rowntree
13-02-05, 06:23 PM
Ok then mate.

Le mans, i was all set to go this year then my mate told me i cant as its the weekend he gets married and i am the damn usher! :evil:


13-02-05, 06:25 PM
would love to go there but would want somthing faster than a 1.4 :( anyone wana let me go with them in a fast car if i pay my share:D

karl Rowntree
13-02-05, 06:57 PM
Like i said before, doesnt matter what you go in its the place and the people that go that make it a damn good trip.

Last year there was a lad in a 1.2 5 door and he had the time of his life, i seem to remember him doing 5 laps!

13-02-05, 07:02 PM
need alot spending on my car before it could get there and be able to go round the track with out rolling .. lol i could try and ask the bloke in the pizza shop who bough a evo like 3 days ago if hell lend me that but i no ill get a FUCK OFF:(

13-02-05, 07:07 PM
Well we are all booked up, just a shame that it is the week before all you lot go. We had the time of our life last year, even though we didnt make it to the Ring due to an Astra GSi snapping a driveshaft. But this year the Ring is only open to the public on one day and thats the sunday, so it looks like we will be doing that then starting the drinking tour :lol:

13-02-05, 07:30 PM
Karl, Let me know when you know what boat your booking. As i will need to try and get on the same boat. Fingers crossed everything will fall into place and i can get sorted to go :D


Adam Moran
13-02-05, 07:47 PM

Just checked my diary and its all off for me! I've got 2 major things on the monday and tuesday that week and i cant get out of it.

Going to re-evaluate the car situation in the next few weeks as to wether or not take the whole year out and bring it back for the 2006 season.....

13-02-05, 08:13 PM

13-02-05, 08:19 PM
. Did you know we are planning to go straight to the ring, no show this year.


what no irish bar? :cry:

13-02-05, 08:20 PM
. Did you know we are planning to go straight to the ring, no show this year.


what no irish bar? :cry:


Sure me being irish will ease the pain.


13-02-05, 10:35 PM
I am definatly up for going, just unsure about the reliabillity of the 2.0 engine. Think I will have to try it out in the next few weeks by going on a long drive!

Approximatly how many cars are expected to be going this year?


karl Rowntree
13-02-05, 10:58 PM
Thats a shame adam, it must be important to stop you going. I would miss everything and anything to go on the trip. How about you drive back on the sunday night? I know there will be people that do this as there was last year. just an idea.

noveoclawsk16v, have faith in your car! Trust me if it brakes between us we will fix it. My friend mark turbo had a main water pipe blow at the ring last year but due to our varied tool kit we fixed it and he got home! I recommend paying the extra and getting AA cover for europe just incase :wink:

I think there will be approx 20 to 30 cars going out.


13-02-05, 11:28 PM
i am seriously considering this. not sure if the car will be up to it though? how late do you usually leave it before booking and how many usually go?

karl Rowntree
13-02-05, 11:41 PM
Benji as above approx 20 to 30 cars i think, depends how many book up as alot say they will but it is normally the usual suspects.

As for your car making it, like ive said before have some faith! Bring a decent spares package with you, which you can leave at the hotel while out on track. And take out decent AA/RAC cover, it will cost you about ?100 but is worth it as they will ship your car home if it brakes. Dont forget to tell your insurance aswell, though your car will not be insured on the ring.


dhdev (Oli)
14-02-05, 08:07 AM
you know i'll be there for sure!!! i'm doing some sabine chasin this year :lol: tho she'd probably lose me b4 she left the car park :lol: can't wait to hit the 'ring again, i've been itchin to go back since august!!

14-02-05, 10:47 AM
Thats a shame adam, it must be important to stop you going. I would miss everything and anything to go on the trip. How about you drive back on the sunday night? I know there will be people that do this as there was last year. just an idea.

noveoclawsk16v, have faith in your car! Trust me if it brakes between us we will fix it. My friend mark turbo had a main water pipe blow at the ring last year but due to our varied tool kit we fixed it and he got home! I recommend paying the extra and getting AA cover for europe just incase :wink:

I think there will be approx 20 to 30 cars going out.


Well Im a definate maybe then. Only thing is I am completely new to this and do not know anyone else who will be going or has gone before. I have driven to france a couple of years ago so am sorted for gettin to dover etc.

Will there be a convoy down to Dover or is there a meeting place?



14-02-05, 11:01 AM
what times have people got around the ring in ?

14-02-05, 04:31 PM
anything between 7 mins and 20 mins

karl Rowntree
14-02-05, 06:05 PM
Nice one oli, cant wait to see yours screeming round mate. I wouldnt mind sabine taking my evo round, i might ask her if she will show me how to drive it :wink:

I am not sure what time i did a lap in last year in the nova, i dont think we were hanging around. Its hard to peice the track togeather though and will take a couple of days before you even start to get quick. I am hoping for some where in the 9 seconds in the evo.

Nick, most people make there own way down to dover then we all catch the ferry and its a convoy then to the ring. Doesnt matter if you dont know anyone, we all have to start somewhere and everyone is very friendly :wink:


14-02-05, 06:15 PM
I am hoping for some where in the 9 seconds in the evo.

fuc.king hell. what you done to the evo? that's some flying machine :wink:

14-02-05, 06:18 PM
anything between 7 mins and 20 mins

lap record is only about 8 mins??????

I have to agree with the fixing cars bit. Last year I took the spider and it had never covered more than 15 miles before setting off. The CV boot went about 1 hour from home, drove to germany met a mate, he gave me a spare boot and me and a lad who was staying in the same hotel changed it in the car park.

14-02-05, 06:23 PM
anything between 7 mins and 20 mins

lap record is only about 8 mins??????

For those who might be interested: on Monday afternoon the 7:19 lap done by a road-legal Radical in 2003 was bettered by one second.
A privately-run Donkervoort, supposedly weighing 650kg and having a 400bhp turbocharged Audi V6, achieved a 7:18 lap in less-than-ideal conditions. The car bore a current German registration plate, although it was transported to the circuit on a trailer.

14-02-05, 07:37 PM
anything between 7 mins and 20 mins

lap record is only about 8 mins??????

For those who might be interested: on Monday afternoon the 7:19 lap done by a road-legal Radical in 2003 was bettered by one second.
A privately-run Donkervoort, supposedly weighing 650kg and having a 400bhp turbocharged Audi V6, achieved a 7:18 lap in less-than-ideal conditions. The car bore a current German registration plate, although it was transported to the circuit on a trailer.

But no nova can cpompete with that :?

14-02-05, 07:45 PM
I'll be happy just to drive round it, fast, but carefully, and not write it off!

As i dont think all our skills combined could fix the car after me rolling through a hedge.


14-02-05, 10:05 PM
yea alot of crashes there aint they would need to do a good few laps just to get a bit of a feel for it .. maybe like 100:) then ud not it (well should) but 14 mile around.. x 100 = afucking lot :| and 14 euros a time geez lot of coinage tooooooo

karl Rowntree
14-02-05, 10:08 PM
9 seconds! :o :oops: Sorry 9 minutes! Though i think it will be more like 10/11 minutes :lol: I am just going on what some of the guys i know on the MLR have done. I think i will be doing quite a few laps slowly building up over the weekend. I learnt my lesson there last year and nearly lost it on lap 3. It really has a habit of catching you out, very dangerous place indeed! Neil and his car were very lucky with his off.

P.S If you worried about your car braking you wouldnt drive it anywhere! Anything can be fixed and if you pay for AA cover there is no question of you getting home. Though only thing is dont brake down on the ring, the AA wont come out to you :lol:


14-02-05, 10:12 PM
I'll be happy just to drive round it, fast, but carefully, and not write it off!

As i dont think all our skills combined could fix the car after me rolling through a hedge.


Exactly what I will be doing Keith. I think it is a good thing that when we are there the Ring is only open on one day to the public, so I wont keep going on and getting too giddy lol. Just to have a drive round the circuit will be good enough for me I think.


karl Rowntree
14-02-05, 10:40 PM
Exactly what i thought last year, take it easy. Thing is the mist comes down and you get carried away. Thing is its that big you dont even realise how fast you are going, then when you do lose it, its at over 100 mph! I am a bit worried what the evo will do round there compaired to the nova.

You have the right attitude to go round chirs/keith, just keep it sensible and remeber the its the laugh we are going for, not to bring our cars or us back in a box.

Anyway, amazing place and bring it on


15-02-05, 07:21 PM
Here is a list for those interested. I will be there on the 1st with a few of my mates.



1.04.2005 Friday 14:15hrs - 19:00hrs
2.04.2005 Saturday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
3.04.2005 Sunday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
4.04.2005 Monday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
5.04.2005 Tuesday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
6.04.2005 Wednesday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
7.04.2005 Thursday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
9.04.2005 Saturday 18:00hrs - 19:30hrs
10.04.2005 Sunday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
11.04.2005 Monday 13:00hrs - 19:30hrs
12.04.2005 Tuesday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
13.04.2005 Wednesday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
14.04.2005 Thursday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
15.04.2005 Friday 14:15hrs - 19:30hrs
16.04.2005 Saturday 18:00hrs - 19:30hrs
17.04.2005 Sunday 08:00hrs - 15:00hrs
17.04.2005 Sunday 17:00hrs - 19:30hrs
18.04.2005 Monday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
19.04.2005 Tuesday 15:15hrs - 19:30hrs
20.04.2005 Wednesday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
21.04.2005 Thursday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
23.04.2005 Saturday 18:00hrs - 19:30hrs
24.04.2005 Sunday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
25.04.2005 Monday 13:00hrs - 19:30hrs
26.04.2005 Tuesday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
27.04.2005 Wednesday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
30.04.2005 Saturday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs


1.05.2005 Sunday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
10.05.2005 Tuesday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
11.05.2005 Wednesday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
12.05.2005 Thursday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
13.05.2005 Friday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
14.05.2005 Saturday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
15.05.2005 Sunday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
16.05.2005 Monday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
17.05.2005 Tuesday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
18.05.2005 Wednesday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
19.05.2005 Thursday 17:45hrs - 19:30hrs
20.05.2005 Friday 14:15hrs - 19:30hrs
21.05.2005 Saturday 13:30hrs - 19:30hrs
22.05.2005 Sunday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
23.05.2005 Monday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
24.05.2005 Tuesday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
25.05.2005 Wednesday 13:00hrs - 19:30hrs
26.05.2005 Thursday 08:00hrs - 19:30hrs
30.05.2005 Monday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs
31.05.2005 Tuesday 17:15hrs - 19:30hrs

dhdev (Oli)
16-02-05, 08:01 AM
what time/ ferry are people planning to get on the friday. just wanna know so i can get it booked, the sooner you book the cheaper it is!!! plus i'm dead keen :D

16-02-05, 10:32 AM
Right, i'm definitley in!! As Karl said earlier, i was the lad in the 1.2 5 door!! I did 6 laps and loved it! I'm goin this year in a carbed 1600 so will be a tad quicker!!
I've got a few quotes ferry wise already:
P&O Ferries - Depart to Calais May13 @ 12:25 Arrive @14:40
Depart to Dover May17 @ 18:40 Arrive @18:55
Price: ?103.50 for 2 adults in a Nova
Sea France - Depart to Calais May13 @ 12:15
Depart to Dover May17 @ 18:30
Price: ?98.00 for 2 adults in a Nova

Not sure which one to book, but those are the current prices!

Karl, i'm interested in the Alps visit aswell, anymore details on that?

Again, you can count me in cos i've already booked the time off at work! :lol:


16-02-05, 07:35 PM

I'm booked off work, and all i need to do now is get the boats sorted!

Let me know ASAP when you know the time of your boat! Think Martin's coming in my car!


16-02-05, 08:07 PM
Sorted - I will be making my first visit to the ring this year (at last!!). Co-driving for Keith!! Really looking forward to it.

Karl - we must have a pre journey tipple or two the night before!!


17-02-05, 09:35 AM
Well spoke with my mate yesterday and he is definatly up for the ring, so think ill be joining the AA soon.

Karl cheers for the advice mate 8) Also would you be able to keep me informed of what time ferry etc?


21-02-05, 06:38 PM
