View Full Version : how to organise a cruise?

25-03-02, 09:26 PM
alrite peeps,Ive started hanging round down the local carparks,after feeling my car wasnt good enough for ages,I have seen its a plce for like minded enthusiasts to swap ideas and see wot other people have managed to do,in saying that,there are not many people turning up at the mo :( I want to know wot peeps do to organise a cruise, I could sort out directions given time,and post em to peeps,the retail park itself can hold shedloads of cars, I do not know what happens about police presences tho,nor do I know when its best to set up a cruise,I want one on my doorstep in lincoln-please help peeps, I want to put my town on the cruise map finally

autochokes suck!

25-03-02, 10:35 PM
get ureself onto the cruise sites mate, where r u from? cruise-south.co.uk, s-c-o.co.uk, cruiseeast.co.uk etc etc

26-03-02, 09:04 AM

Vauxhall Nova - Defined in Spain


26-03-02, 04:15 PM
www.cruisetime.co.uk is my site :D

:D there never gonna fit, or are they??:D

27-03-02, 08:32 AM
Im in Lincoln,there is a reasonable amount of modded cars about,but never an event in our town really, I know that theres the nottingham cruise regularly,but I am after a hooj cruise locally,I have thought about letting a magazine know,I guess wot I can do is set a date,and the venue,and then just email details to almost every cruise board and car mag?-what can I do about police presence tho?

autochokes suck!

27-03-02, 01:08 PM
you need convoys etc and the carpark needs multipal entrances and exits, has to be near a motorway/good roads , no traffic lights, cop shop miles away, no gates, secret orgnaiser or the pigs will find out who u are and come round ur house or block the usuable areas near where u live

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D
special rates for girls!!

28-03-02, 05:18 PM
woh thats hard!-gotta find a retail park near the bypass then,or theres always asdas,cept its 24hrs now!

autochokes suck!

28-03-02, 08:34 PM
be warned bob from what i have read you can be held responsible for any accidents or damage caused by those few that wreck it for all, also seen somewhere that anymore than 100 people will require police notification otherwise its classed as a riot lol
