View Full Version : WOT TO DO?

26-03-02, 03:45 PM
i need some advice here!

right bout a month ago i sold me wheels to a mate, however he didnt pay me as he was getting paid a week later, this was fine by me as he is a m8 and i know he will pay etc.

however he knows absolutey nothing bout motors, so he decided to go get his rear wheels tracked! then came up with some lame excuse that he didnt want them anymore and droped the wheels round the next day. fair enough.

when i questioned him bout my 12 bolts (not including locking wheel nuts) and 4 spacers he said i didnt think u wanted them back, i said dont be so fucking stupid and told him to give them back ASAP so i can sell them. ok he agrees.

now 2day i am still waiting for my spacers seeing as he is so far up his own ass and "cant get in his garage" at the mo. x-( so now he reckons he has lost the spacers and will pay for them.

now how much can i rip him off? as i do have a spare set sitting at home. someone said ?15 each??

ne one else got ne bright ideas??


26-03-02, 03:59 PM
it is about ?15 for a pair of spacers
?20 for locking wheel nuts
and ?1 per wheel nut :D

i am on the save for loads of mods

26-03-02, 04:02 PM
if e knows fcuk all, demand half a ton, that'd be a sweet little earner.

Vauxhall Nova - Defined in Spain


26-03-02, 06:34 PM
ive jsut sent off the spec and ally to a company to get 2 spacers made and they are costing ?40 each! lol excluding the ally

(not for my car btw lol)

Im a Corporate tart :D

27-03-02, 12:05 AM
screw him for all hes got. lol

27-03-02, 11:21 AM
cool, looks like his family will b on the streets! :D
