View Full Version : POLICE

11-02-05, 01:01 PM
The crazyest thing happened this morning at the workshop...
... was working inside when I heard a helicopter outside the workshop, was really loud, It was moving allover the place, flying backwards, sideways at 45 degrees alsorts after about 10 mins of this with me watching the whole time it went awayabout 1/2 a mile ish following the main road, then flew back sideways banked at about 45 degrees again. It hovered again asthough it was trying to look inside the workshop, I am still standing outside trying to watch it at this point when a police car turns up!

Turns out that the police helicopter was just flying past and had seen the tracks and gun turret from a huge army tank that the guys in the workshop nextdoor were restoring and they were actually looking inside my workshop to see what was going on and they sent a patrol car to check it out cause they couldnt figure out what the hell was going on!!!

Crazy stuff really....

11-02-05, 01:08 PM
LOL havent they got anything better to do like catch real criminals??

11-02-05, 01:14 PM
I guess not, I was damn confused, it was my first proper day back in the workshop now i'am better wonder what other stuff hapened in all the time I was off work ill...

11-02-05, 01:15 PM
still at least we know we will get a fairly quick police response if a nutter nicks a tank lol

11-02-05, 01:22 PM
they'll struggle to knick it the turret it sitting on the floor and weighs about 7 tons and the tracks are on the floor( not atached to the tank) and the engine isnt in it at the moment, its currently all recieving a lovly coad of shiny (well mat finish) new youky green paint! Is kinda a bare shell, and they've been doing it for like 2 years already!