View Full Version : Chav Camp

06-02-05, 11:05 AM
Did any one watch the new series of Brat camp last weds (I think it was weds) on channel 4 at 9? holly molly they really should rename it chav camp, they really all are the biggest under 16 group of chavs you wil ever see!!!

06-02-05, 11:13 AM
Programs like that really p*ss me off, which is why i didnt watch it. I would have ended up throwing things at the tv. It will do them good at that camp, hopefully they come out of it respecting things and people more. Every school should a seperate building for abusing little pratts like that, if their parents are going to bring them up right then someone needs to.

General Baxter
06-02-05, 11:35 AM
I would have ended up throwing things at the tv.

i did :lol:

now my tv is playing up, turns it self on and off :? when ever it feels like it :lol:

06-02-05, 12:22 PM
^^^ Chav.


06-02-05, 12:37 PM
yeah i saw it

i found my self shouting at the tv
"for fuck sake will one of you stand up to the camp leader and tell him to fuck off"

there suposed to be these tearaways
look at me am hard i beat my mum and dad up ect yet these yanks are giving me shit and ill do nothing about it

there pathetic

06-02-05, 01:07 PM
yeah i saw it

i found my self shouting at the tv
"for f**k sake will one of you stand up to the camp leader and tell him to f**k off"

there suposed to be these tearaways
look at me am hard i beat my mum and dad up ect yet these yanks are giving me s**t and ill do nothing about it

there pathetic

LMAO i saw last years(bits of it) think i will have to see what this one is like,but as you say epo there not bad kids they just think they are.last time i remember watching it and this so callde HARD lad broke into tears....


06-02-05, 01:11 PM
this years camp owner are fairly tough there not tree hugging hippys they wont take any shit :lol:

06-02-05, 03:20 PM
yeah i saw it

i found my self shouting at the tv
"for f**k sake will one of you stand up to the camp leader and tell him to f**k off"

these yanks are giving me s**t and ill do nothing about it

there pathetic

Point well made, one of the little shits said that he was just behaving cause he though he'd get out quicker and back to his old ways!!! on camera, like the yank dont watch that shit at the end of everyday!!!

06-02-05, 05:49 PM
it's halarious, like that girl who claims she's an alcoholic at 15...

i think if she was a real alcoholic she'd be finding it impossible to stay in a camp without alcohol.

one of them was crying because he wasn't allowed out of his circle.Pmsl

06-02-05, 05:52 PM
basically i believe alls they need is a good pasting
sod all this send them to america to get them sorted out

line a few lads up and send them through the mill that'll cure their problems

06-02-05, 06:00 PM
epos right, with out discipline they are always going to gangster bad boys. If they step out of line you knock the twat to floor, they'll soon look at the world in a different way

06-02-05, 06:57 PM
i reckon one of them is fit :lol:

06-02-05, 07:03 PM
yeah but you couldnt fall asleep after shagging her as she'd nick your wallet

06-02-05, 07:22 PM
true, still worth one 1

06-02-05, 07:30 PM
i think there all underage tho mate :lol:

06-02-05, 07:37 PM
an you think that makes a differnce lol

06-02-05, 07:40 PM
i reckon one of them is fit :lol:

yes the posh one with the dark hair, she is fit. But as epo said i think she is like 15.

06-02-05, 07:53 PM
old enought to pull them up, old enought to pull them....

06-02-05, 08:05 PM
Saw the ad for it with some kid sitting in a circle, if shes that hard why didnt she get out it and tell the old man where to go.

07-02-05, 11:10 AM
with all that burbury epo did you go to one of those camps or get knocked down/ up! in a YOI?!?!? :?

07-02-05, 12:58 PM
Yeah i saw that missed the end though they all reckon they are so hard and tough but as soon as someone starts telling them they cant have something and what to do they all break down into tears!

Tearaway kids like that need to be taught a lesson and that seems to be the only way is to treat them like total shit!

As soon as they get back to england with there old mates they will soon be the same again...

07-02-05, 01:02 PM
thats what a chav is though, acts really hard an cheeky when he is in a group 20+ other chavs. But get them on their own and they get scared, an wouldnt dare say shit to you if there was a chance he didnt have the massive advantage over you.

07-02-05, 05:37 PM
with all that burbury epo did you go to one of those camps or get knocked down/ up! in a YOI?!?!? :?

lol i wouldnt last 5 mins in any of those camps especially if those yanks were mouthing off at me keeping me in a rock circle ect
i'd have nutted him by now :lol:

07-02-05, 07:40 PM
what day and time is it on ?

i want to watch the next one :-)

07-02-05, 07:50 PM
tuesday 9pm channel 4

e 4 9pm saturday

07-02-05, 08:43 PM

08-02-05, 02:51 PM
there was a lass on this morning today and she was at ned camp. now shes best mates with her mum. think it was the alcoholic at 15.

08-02-05, 04:51 PM
alcoholic at 15.
at 15 you dont even know the meaning the word alcoholic, what they mean is every friday night they go to the park an drink white lighting. Going to a camp an not having alcohol, if you were an alcoholic you'd have a break down an wouldnt be able to cope.

08-02-05, 05:12 PM
They all seemed to be from over-privileged backgrounds

08-02-05, 06:19 PM
exactly fester, they all seemed from rich backgrounds

i know of far more badboy gangstars, that seriously need putting in chav camp (or shooting ?)

They are just a group of very diverse and pathetic individuals.

08-02-05, 07:25 PM
exactly fester, they all seemed from rich backgrounds

i know of far more badboy gangstars, that seriously need putting in chav camp (or shooting ?)

They are just a group of very diverse and pathetic individuals.

i like to call them plastic gangsters :lol:

09-02-05, 01:04 AM
exactly fester, they all seemed from rich backgrounds

i know of far more badboy gangstars, that seriously need putting in chav camp (or shooting ?)

They are just a group of very diverse and pathetic individuals.

i like to call them plastic gangsters :lol:

Spot on,my grandad[quote] said all these (sorry to say it) black lads in brum who think there Gangsters,are nothing but idot's who think there something ther not,as a gangster in my time was a person above the law who never drew atention to him self,and made money for his family and others by doing unlawfull deeds,and they wer looked upto,and respected,you didnt mess with them as they wer the ones making your life better,not killing everyone,and curupting the world we live in now and in the future!!....

I think he is right.. :?


09-02-05, 12:23 PM
a gangster in my time was a person above the law who never drew atention to him self,and made money for his family and others by doing unlawfull deeds,and they wer looked upto,and respected,you didnt mess with them as they wer the ones making your life better,

Like the new 'Gangster in eastenders (prob a bad example) but year the Jonny Alans of this world, the crays, they uses to drink in a pub just down the road from me, oddly they lived about 20 odd miles away!

Any1 see it last night, those two chav girls really madethem selfs look stupis

09-02-05, 12:31 PM
Spot on,my grandad said all these (sorry to say it) black lads in brum who think there Gangsters,are nothing but idot's who think there something ther not,as a gangster in my time was a person above the law who never drew atention to him self,and made money for his family and others by doing unlawfull deeds,and they wer looked upto,and respected,you didnt mess with them as they wer the ones making your life better,not killing everyone,and curupting the world we live in now and in the future!!....

I think he is right.. :?

In his day they were Gangsters, but now they're Gangstaaahhz. But its true; if you really wanted to avert the law and go about your wicked way, would you really want to draw attention to yourself by wearing half of Elizabeth Duke round your neck??

I wonder how long these people, like Blazing Squad etc, would last if you dropped them off in the middle of Detroit... lmfao

Watch Gangster #1 if you want to see proper Gangsters.

10-02-05, 03:10 PM
top film just bought it off ebay

10-02-05, 03:35 PM
yep, thats how i see it as well as well. All these bad boy rappers that think they are gangsters an all the other twats that are just irritating, they arent gangsters in fact they arent even close. A true gangster doesn have trouble talking proper english or talk like he was mentally retard at the age of 4.

I wonder how long these people, like Blazing Squad etc, would last if you dropped them off in the middle of Detroit... lmfao

lol like you say though i wonder how long they would last if they met the types of people they claim to be so often