View Full Version : and the bikes blue

06-02-05, 02:37 AM
last week gotta gsi skirt for mine. srayed it blue ( and me missus bike - and the tumble dryer and most of the garage) - was moaned at seriously....but the finish was cool...I,ve spayed water base on my last job ( gas cylinders), so it came out pretty smooth and level with a deep shine - but today not only failing an mot ( clear lights are a no-no ) with a welding job now to come - these bloody skirts are an inch short !!!!
they havent been trimmed but come off H plate - why the hell wont they fit a j plate ? has the j got a longer carrige / wheeelbase ?

some days are better than others.

mines a pint .

06-02-05, 10:15 PM

GTE/GSi side skirts from a 3 door hatch will fit any other 3 door hatch.

There is a bit thjat overlaps the rear arch section. The rear arch bit slots under the main skirt runner which clips around the front wing corner. Check your not overlapping too much...

Wheres it too short?

Unless your rear wings are badly corroded and have buckled out an inch or so they should fit?


U got a pic?

06-02-05, 10:18 PM
as ade said have you got a pic, and are you sure you were fitting them correctly (i dont see how you could of been tho)

06-02-05, 10:20 PM
sorry mate no pic ...the arches are fine , the over lap you type of is about 1 inch short - and it hasnt been cut.....confused -me too the only thing i know is that they came off a h plate ..... :?

06-02-05, 10:23 PM
i,ll give it another try next weekend - if i get a spare minute !

06-02-05, 10:25 PM

the rear section thats on the arch - comes down and goes onto the sill where it joins onto the main skirt. There should be about 15mm of plastic thats indented so it'll sit neatly under the main skirt.

is your a 3 or 5 door hatch?

If 5 door you'll find the skirts wont fit as I think the 5 doors are a tad longer...


06-02-05, 10:26 PM
are you sure ade i thought they were the same length :? , got me thinking now tho

06-02-05, 10:28 PM
3 door mate , the indented part is intact...and showing no signs of a cut - praps it,d be better just to put the lot back on ebay and get a brand newie for ?50.

06-02-05, 11:01 PM
lol theres a set on ebay for ?5!


07-02-05, 12:34 PM
the 5 doors are are same length as the 3 doors as i have 3 door skirts on mine, the length is the same its just the rear arch that causes the problems