View Full Version : Sold it :(

12-03-02, 04:24 PM
Has anyone here shed a tier when they've sold their car?

I almost did on Friday as I watched my previous Nova drive off up our road.....after owning it over two and a half years, and spending hundreds of hours working on it, I finally said good buy :(

Ni mind.....I've got the GTE to play with now, but even so.....sorry to see it go.

Just thought I'd share that with you all lol!

I got ?650 for it in the end, which isn't bad considering I'd already sold the alloys (for ?100 without tyres), and nicked the stainless zorst off it, as well as the elecy windows, digi dash and sports seats (plus loads of other bits and bobs).
I sold the SR sports seats for ?50 on Saturday too, which was nice :)
The lad who bought it had an HPI check done on it only to find that the year before I bought it, it'd been an insurance right-off :O
I never bothered checking since it was only ?700 when I got it....at that price and age, I knew it'd probably had a shady history at some point!

Even with that, he was willing to pay ?650 so I was happy enough.

12-03-02, 04:38 PM
Nice one rich.
Sorry i couldn't have had it myself... but ne'h mind eh.
Hopefully it has gone to someone who will love it as much as you did... and some muppet boy racer who will just thrash into the ground.

So... how much beer you buying me outta your new found wealth then old mate old buddy old pal?

TunaFish is the way forward... you mark my words. :D

13-03-02, 10:18 AM
is that wedge of cash going towards some allessios mate???-u gotta get something gooood for the gte to put a new smile on your face!-what about that ice u was talking about?
I lurve trying to spend other peeps money for them lol.
I think Im going to be gutted when my red 1200 goes,but I need a sports interior for my 1400 b4 I get rid of the 1200-cos I want to sell it half decent if u know what I mean

autochokes suck!

13-03-02, 11:05 AM
i never shed a tear, but i was a bit miffed when the white one went as i did every single job on it except sum of the paintwork, then i looked onto the drive at the vectra and had a evil grin apear from my swollen lips (wtf am i on about:-/ )

the white one was the worst, although the green machine came close cos i built it for the bitch and she fucked me off (the S-W-T team helped me a lot through this difficult time)so i got pissed off with it and scrapped it

my red one didnt bother me as i was sick of it and allready had the basic kit on the white one

the previos green one i had b4 that i crashed

and the previos white one b4 that i also crashed :P

SNAKES-WITH-TITS Website coming soon....

13-03-02, 09:40 PM
Ive never had the pleasure of selling a car yet the insurance company takes them away on a trailer.

I shed a tear though as the insurance man has an evil grin whilst telling me the new premiums.


13-03-02, 10:34 PM
Wisewood.....yep...pity, but the lad who bought it seemed an enthusiast so hopefully we'll see it around.
He was going to Ascar (not sure how it's spelt but it's a place in Sheffield that does custom made zorsts) to get a stainless fitted straight away and he'd already got some Wolfrace alloys to fit too!

As for beer....it's got to go in the bank I'm afraid....clear off my overdraft finally!

Bob....I'd love some allesios but as said above....the money's going in the bank and staying there...until I get on my feet financially anyway......got ?2800 in student loads to start paying back soon, plus over ?2000 I owe my Gran!
And....over ?700 on credit card....oops!

lol@Micky you've had a few novas then! I wasn't too sad to see my first nova go as that was really starting to piss me off......far too many things wrong with it to care about getting rid, although I did have some good times in that car :(
The Antibes was almost complete, apart from the odd bit of paint work to finish, which is why it was sad to see it go....better than the GTE in fact in many ways. But...with a little work, the GTE will be as good...no...better :)

lol@sy too.....those cars will be the two s$?*s then....lol ;)