View Full Version : well the novas gone.....

29-01-05, 11:54 PM
to my dads house lol, getting fed up of chavs standing up at the top of the drive and staring at it

30-01-05, 09:55 AM
the nova has been at ur dads for a while hasnt it???

30-01-05, 12:50 PM
to my dads house lol, getting fed up of chavs standing up at the top of the drive and staring at it

Does your dad not live with teh rest of your family then?

30-01-05, 12:53 PM
to my dads house lol, getting fed up of chavs standing up at the top of the drive and staring at it

Does your dad not live with teh rest of your family then?

Divorce???? it does happen in this not so perfect world! I dont think many of my mates parents are still together.

30-01-05, 12:55 PM

No. It was to do with the chavs standing at the top of the drive. I very cleverly implied that his family are chavs.


PS - no sympathy for divorce and etc. Who cares. My parents divorced. My friends parents divorced. Shti happens.

30-01-05, 01:25 PM
i always get chavs starting mine, execpt they come talk to me as well. I remember the time i was taking my engine out an about 5 of them were stood watching, then one said look man dats the air filter pointing at the oil filter. Made me laugh that did, cos they think they know everything about cars

30-01-05, 04:19 PM
marty my family aren't chavs lol :lol:

and yes my parents are divorsed and i don't need sympothy lol

30-01-05, 09:34 PM
i always get chavs starting mine, execpt they come talk to me as well. I remember the time i was taking my engine out an about 5 of them were stood watching, then one said look man dats the air filter pointing at the oil filter. Made me laugh that did, cos they think they know everything about cars

I came out of the motorsport shop, and the guy was seeing if i could weld a silencer into the Hollow for my powerflow system

Around the industrial estate, there is a gypsy camp.

one of them walked past and stared, then sed

"Oi mate, that's a niice nova, ma mates got a nova Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"

then he turned to his mate and sed

"i'd Rob that"

30-01-05, 11:18 PM
Around the industrial estate, there is a gypsy camp.

one of them walked past and stared, then sed

"Oi mate, that's a niice nova, ma mates got a nova Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"

then he turned to his mate and sed

"i'd Rob that"
Nick's new shopping list - delock, tracker, big alarm, and even bigger dog :lol:

31-01-05, 12:11 PM
im alright now, im on good terms with all the pikeys round my way, well most of them. Even though i hate them i come an talk to me, suppose in a way its good to have them on my side, also ive told them what would happen if some was caught stealing my car.

31-01-05, 02:10 PM
lol :2gunfire:

31-01-05, 06:11 PM
marty my family aren't chavs lol :lol:

and yes my parents are divorsed and i don't need sympothy lol

Sorry to hear that mate. That sucks. Did you get counselling? You can talk to me if you like. I have been there and know what you are going through.

PS - i get ALL the chavs (male and female) constantly trying to talk to me about my car, whenever i am in the vicinity of chavs. It pisses me off! But then i only have myself to blame for making my car look like it does.... lol

But this is why i will sell it as soon as i get it back from the bodyshop.

31-01-05, 09:36 PM
is marty being serious for once lol :wink: