View Full Version : let me know wat u think of my rebuild

26-01-05, 08:21 PM
well its been on featured cars for a while and ive only had 2 comments yes 2 comments,i was hopin for a lot more as to whether or not fellow members like it or not.
well ive had this nova for 2 years and i bought it only because of the colour and because its 1 of the finest cars that was ever made for a true racer and car enthusiast.
me and me brother started work on this last summer,we total stripped to a bare shell and cleaned it down includin the engine bay.we prepped the engine bay readin for sprayin the same time we done the inside.and we done all this work on our drive way which annoyed the neighbours to a point were they got a council inspector person to complain to us about our cars as we done 2 at the same time.he told us that we wasnt allowed to do any off the work,wat a bunch off f***n p****s and the same for the neighbours.
we left it for till he went and then we carried on and we sprayed the cars on our drive way lmao,my one with the orange on the inside and engine bay.cleaned all the engine components and put it all in.got every thing back on and he come again so we put it in a garage were its sat till now.
im sooo eager to get it on the road again and and i was just wanderin wat u people think


26-01-05, 08:38 PM
*your car is awaiting verification*

its 1 of the finest cars that was ever made for a true racer and car enthusiast.
Hmmm.... :?

26-01-05, 08:39 PM
It says "Car awaiting verification"

Sounds good tho. And the council can't stop you from doing that on your own property.

however, they can stop you from fixing cars on the side of the road outside your house , as a profit orientated business.

26-01-05, 08:44 PM
sorry bout that fellas but it is on here but for some reason it is sayin that. and yes the council person said that he will personaly see to it that the cars will get removed but i though he was jokin but i just moved them for safe measurs.ammm if u look at my profile it will show u.thanks for lookin

5_door owner
26-01-05, 11:55 PM

thats the one he means i tink? it looks like it'll be a nice motor when its finished mate :D

27-01-05, 12:45 AM
if its ur driveway then whts the problem tell them all to piss off mate.

27-01-05, 02:20 AM
lol my neighbours are kool never had a complant, even when i striped that gte on the road all one of them said is you cant be fixing that one up surely lol.....anywho

the before pictures look promising

27-01-05, 12:18 PM
im gonna get some more pics of it in the this week and ill put them on but can any1 help me load them on here instead? i gonna take the floor boards up so u can see all the floor and me new seats etc .thanks 5 door owner for sortin the link,i though it hAd to wait or something lol.
can any1 help me put pics of my car on like burgo has spider man. help well appreciated